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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 23-03-2011, 09:00 PM   #7

ابنة جامعة الملك عبد العز


تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
التخصص: علم حاسوب
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثاني
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1
افتراضي رد: [cpcs 202 - برمجة 1] لديك سؤال , شيء غير مفهوم ,,, تفضل هنا , موضوع مفيد

ممكن أحد يساعدني في كتابة هذا الكود بلغة الجافا
لإني حاولت بس ما قدرت اطلع الناتج المطلوب بكرة عندي امتحان وما عرفت كيف احل:(
تكفون الله يخليكم تساعدونني
السؤال هو:
• Read text input from files using Scanner class
• Process text using String, and StringBuilder classes
• Write text data to text files using PrintWriter class
Problem Specification
Suppose that you were asked to write a program that can process employees records (سجلات) located in an input file named employees.data and write the new data to another file named new_employees.data. Note that every record is represented in one line.
The input file is textual, and contains the data as follows:
ACT1032 Wael,Naser Ramallah-1230 650
ACT230 Maram,Ali Nablus-234 860
MGT1441 Salem,Rami Ramallah-2355 670
HRM2331 Ahmad,Salah Jerico-343 1200
As you can see from above, the file contains unknown number of records and every line (record) has exactly the same format, which consists (كل سطر يتكون من 4 اقسام) of 4 parts:
• First part represents the department and employee number,
example: ACT1032 : Accounting department, and employee number = 1032. Note also that departments are always represented in three characters upper case, according to the following department key table:
ACT Accounting
MGT Management
HRM Human Resources

• Second part represents: first name,second name
example: Wael,Naer : first name = Wael and last name = Naser

• Third part represents city name-B.O. Box number
example Ramallah-1230 : city = Ramallah and B.O.Box = 1230

• And last part is the salary in US Dollars
So what your program should do?
• You need to create a class the represents an employee, having these fields: number, first name, second name, city, bo box and salary. You should decide the appropriate data type for each field, and decide on appropriate constructors.
• All above fields should be private, and provide getters and setters
• Your main class should call a method fillData() that will:
o Open file employees.data
o Read data line-by-line, and process each line by extracting data and storing it in employee object.
o You should use the departments key table above to discover full department name and store it in the object. And also all other data: number, first name, last name, …etc
o The method at the end will return an array of all employees
• Then call another method and pass it the array and will write the following information on file new_employees.data respectively (بالترتيب)
o How many employee in every department
o How many employees live in Nablus
o The average of salaries of all employees.
o You can have as many methods as you think appropriate!


ابنة جامعة الملك عبد العز غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس