عرض مشاركة واحدة
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 12-10-2012, 11:25 PM   #10

ام حمدان

مشرفة مُتألقة سابقة

الصورة الرمزية ام حمدان

تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2009
التخصص: English Literature
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 10,198
افتراضي رد: خلاصة أخبار دورة طالبات الإنتساب - الفصل الأول 2013

مـآيخص مـآدة منـآهج البحث lane 331
Research Methods – Lane 331

استاذ المادة/

د.عمر باقبص
- وسـآئل الإتصــــــآل عالصفحة الشخصيه ..

من هنـــــا
- صـورة للكتـــآب ..

- مفــــردآت المـآدة ..

اسم الكتـآب/ MLA Handbook for Writers of Research
Modern Language Association of America, 2009
للمؤلف/ Gibaldi, Joseph
الطبعة/ 7th ed

- الفصول المطلوبة ..

لم تحدد في المفـردآت .. لكن الترم المـآضي كان الكتـآب كـآملاً

- تحميل الكتـآب من هنا ..

كتاب الريسرش 331 الجديد لعام 1432-2012 الفصل الاول

اخبار المادة

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة DoOodinofy مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذه اول مشاركة لي في هذا القسم
بالنسبة للاخت الي سالت عن مناهج البحث,, كتاب هذا الترم نفسه زي الترب الي فات
والاستاذ اسمه عمر باقبص
للاسف البحث اجباري يعني حنسوي بحث للمادة وحنختبر كمان في الكتاب
بالنسبه للبحث الاستاذ قال حيراعينا جزاه الله خير وصفحات البحث ماتتعدا 10 ومو اقل من 7
في اشياء كمان الاستاذ ركز عليها وقال حتجي اكيد في الاختبار
انا نسختها في برنامج الوورد بس ماعرفت انزله فا نسخته لكم

Introduction: Research is a human activity aimed at seeking the truth and exploring a topic of great interest and need
Most universities are research-based. Ph.D dissertations are expected to explore topics and eventually add to human knowledge
Primary research is original work done with your study objectives in mind. It is the study of a subject through firsthand observation and investigation such as analysing a literary or historical text
Whats the difference between Primary and Secondary research. The first one is Original work normally conducted by experts in their field of research or are considered an authority in their area of research.
: So they offer us a study of a very specific subject through first hand observation and investigation.
Secondary research on the other hand is based on previous research on the field. It is an examination of previous studies that other researchers have conducted of a certain topic or subject. Examples of secondary research are books and articles on political issues, events, scientific debates or literary works
Ph. D dissertations are expected to make a contribution to human knowledge. Research is undertaken to explore a topic of great interest, solve a problem or offer answers to unresolved problems. It is understood that we turn to outside help when we conduct research. We also made a distinction between Primary and Secondary research

Kinds of topics: wide and narrow
Ex: Violence in the Media (general)
The Effects of Cartoon Violence on Pre-school Children"
Ex: Saudi Econmoy General
How Has Saudi Economy Been Affected by the Current Global Financial Crises"

Mention some of the points that the student should take into account when he/she selects a topic
1- The student should select a topic of great interest to him/her meaning that he/she likes to explore this topic. He/she is fully dedicated to its pursuit. He/she finds himself/herself in it.
: time given to the student. also he/she should seek the advice of his/her instructor.

واخر شي اعطانا هو مواضيع نختار منها واحد للبحث مو زي الاترام الي فاتت نختار موضوع ادبي
وهذه المواضيع قال ابداو اختارو منها

: Aspects of Saudi Culture: Past and Present
. The Status of Women in Islam.
The Role of Literature in English Language Teaching in Saudi Arabia. (The Role of Lit in the Syllabus of Saudi Schools).
The Impact of the Internet on Language Teaching (In other words, How can the Internet Be a Useful Tool in Teaching the English Language?).
Finally Go to Five Different Institutes and ask instructors and students alike how much help or assistance they get from the computer for their learning benefits? How useful is the computer for the purposes of education particularly for Teaching English as a Second Language?

وسامحوني اذا في كلام مو واضح واتمنى اذا وحده من الاخوات تقدر تنزل برنامج الوورد يكون اوضح

وبالتوفيق للجميع يااارب
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة DoOodinofy مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم
للبنات الي ماحضرو مناهج البحث مع الدكتور عمر باقبص
هذا كل الي كتبه في المحاضره

: library holdings refer to books, journals, electronic publications, and audio-visual material.

: it is agreed that you submit the final draft on the day of the final exam, and not later. sending the paper by email means that i will be busy every day. in other words, i will receive one paper today, another tomorrow, and so on. this will be too much distraction for me.
: we also agreed that you must write a paper on one of the topics i gave you. it will be unfair if a student chooses from these topics, and another one chooses her own topic
(General): the status of women in islam. general if you want to be more specific, narrow it down to Certain Misconceptions About the Role of Women in Islam.
: primary research and secondary research. in secondary research, you mention or go through the opinions, or points of view of other critcs or writers. when you mention other people's points of view? these opinions should be documented. in other words, you should cleary state in your bibliography that you have taken this opinion from this or that book, or state the name of the person or author who expressed that point of view. 2- citing these different opinions should not come at the expense of weakening your argument or overshadowing your own voice. in other words, you should clearly state where you stand and your voice should be heard in the paper

: plagiarism means false assumption of authorship.
: one of the mosr important factors that you should take into account when you choose a topic is the accessibility of relevant sources.: meaning that they are within reach
: where do you go to find sources?: the World Wide Web and: libraries are excellent sources of information
In old days: card catalogue and there is on-line catalogue
: librarian can offer students and researchers with great services, chief of which is the location of relevant material
: how could a librarian assist students in conducting research? his greatest advice and service lie in assisting students in locating sources, in helping the students compile a working bibliography, and also in allocating library holdings.
: you can search under the author's name, or title of the book or under the subject matter: nuitrition, cancer, education
: so after the selection of a topic, what should the researcher do?
: collect date, gather information, go through sources, compile a working bibliography
: how can the computer be an excellent source of information?
: what does it mean when we say that librarians can conduct orientation courses?
it means that they can offer some training sessions to students and the general public showing them how to use library facilities, search for relevant material and probably collect data on their research topics
: Reference Works
: it is important to know that every field of study or subject has its reference works. what do reference works include?
1- indexes. they guide the researcher to materials in newspapers, magazines and journals. The New York Times Index lists news stories and feature articles in the New York Times.
: 2- Bibliographies. they are lists of related publication on specific topics. The MLA International Bibliography
: collection of abstracts. If you want to search for abstracts of Ph.D dissertations, you go through Dissertation Abstract International
: dictionaries they are alphabatically arranged works that provide information usually in concise form about words or topics.
: among the reference works are encyclopedias which are works that give introductory information about subjects.
: biographical sources :: these sources give or present information about or related to the lives of important personalities or prominent persons
: it is needed and useful in conducting historical or literary research
: atlases are collection of maps most useful for research on geography
: how do you locate the source in the library? through a call number? it is a designation or a number written on the side of the book by which it is ved in the library
: call numbers in any library follows one of two systems of classification.
Q for the next class:
: How to compile a working bibliography? What is the difference between the Dewey Decimal System of book classification and Library of Congress System of Classification?
According to the First one, books are classified under ten major headings. So if I search for a book on literature, it is classified under 800. According to the second system, books are divided into 20 major groups. So if I search for a literature book, I search under P.

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة DoOodinofy مشاهدة المشاركة
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]حبيباتي الي بيسالو عن مناهج البحث مع الاستاذ عمر باقبص[/COLOR]
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]سامحوني لي فتره مانزلت لكم باقي المحاضرات[/COLOR]
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]عندي مشكله في رفع الملفات بس حطلب من الاخت غلا الشرقيه جزاها الله خير تنزل الملف[/COLOR]
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]لاتشيلو هم عزيزاتي[/COLOR]
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"][/COLOR]
[COLOR="rgb(153, 50, 204)"]بالنسبه لخطوات البحث حنسخ لكم الي كتبه وبرضه موجود الكلام في ملف الوورد[/COLOR]

: how does a research paper begin? what is the most important elements of a research paper?
1: a proper research paper begins with a thesis statement
: thesis statement, statement of the problem, the rationale of the study, literature review
: it is a good expository or introductory sentence where the researchers mentions clearly the topic of his/her research and its purpose. in other words, what she intends to do in that paper, what she will accomplish and why she is writing this or that paper. what are its objectives.
: what are the most important elements of a research paper? what should distinguish a good research paper?
clarity and coherence.
: by literature review we mean that the student gives the reader a general idea about previous research in the same area or field. it should be up-to-date and she should state where her contribution lies. in other words, what she could add to the already existing research in the field.
: introduction, the body of the research and finally the conclusion.
: outlining refers to the main idea or facts about something, leaving out the details.
: what are the advantages of outling?
it helps the researcher organize ideas and opinions into a logical, clear and coherent whole.
Outline in book page: 63
: writing the first draft. is just an attempt that you expect yourself to improve to it, add or delete to it, and you never think that the content is complete. you need to go back to the first draft to find out what is lacking in logical arrangement

انا حسه انه الطريقه مو واضحه مره بس بكره ان شاءالله حيوضح لنا اكثر في اخر محاضره
وكمان قال شاتبتر 3 و 4 و 5 من الكتاب نقرا في اشياء مهمه لكتابة البحث

دعواتكم بالتوفيق يارب

السلام عليكم

بنات هذي محاضرا منااهج البحث من الاخت DoOodinofy

الله يجزاها خير ويوفقها ويوفقنا جميع يارب

المحاضرات شامله في هالملف

باقي اخر محاضره رح ناخذها بكره


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة غـــ الشرقية ـــلا مشاهدة المشاركة
بنات هذي الملفات الاخيره من صديقتنا وعد الله يوفقها

فيها ملف جامع لكل اللي قاله الاستاذ في مناهج البحث

كمان فيه ملفين لنموذج لعمل البحث لطالبة سبق اخذت مادة البحث

بالتوفيق لكم ودعواتكم


توقيع ام حمدان  


||اللهم اغفر لوالد nour al3mr وارحمه وعافه واعفو عنه واكرم نزله ووسع مدخه واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس||

..ربي اغفر لنا ولوالدينا ولجميع المسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات..

اختنا الغالية صالحة ،، الفردوس الأعلى مثواك يارب

جعل الله مثواك الجنة اختنا صالحة Conscientious


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة white rose ; 22-03-2014 الساعة 10:17 AM.
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