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lane321 مقدمه في اللغويات

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 19-05-2013, 05:07 PM

فهد هزاع فهد هزاع غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2012
التخصص: ادب انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 72
افتراضي lane321 مقدمه في اللغويات

بسم الله

نبي جواب لهذه الاسئله تكرما

Lane 321 – Introduction to Linguistic
final Exam – External students
Part One : Choose 'a' for true answer and 'b' for false or one
1) Most phones in most human languages are produced on aggressive lungs air.
a. True a. False
2) Clicks are normally made with aggressive air.
a. True a. False
3) Articulatory phonetics refers to the study of speech sounds production.
a. True a. False
4) Unlike traditional phonology, modern phonology is not essentially concerned system and the patterns of speech sounds in a language.
a. True a. False
5) The morpheme is the smallest meaningless lexical unit.
a. True a. False
6) The morpheme that can stand by itself if called a free morpheme.
a. True a. False
7) English conjunctions like 'but' and 'because' are called functional morpheme.
a. True a. False
8) inflectional morpheme can change the grammatical categories of words.
a. True a. False
9) Semantics is the branch of linguistics that studies meaning.
a. True a. False
10) The IPA stands for the international Pakistani Airlines.
a. True a. False
11) The Sound /v/ has the features [+voice + labiodentals + fricative] so it cannot form a class with either /p/ or /k/.
a. True a. False
12) The surface structure of a sentence is an abstract level of structural organization in .. the elements determining structural interpretation are represented.
a. True a. False
13) The word 'unwanted' contains both a prefix and a suffix.
a. True a. False
14) A syllable must contain a vowel and at least one consonant.
a. True a. False
Part Two : Choose the correct answer
15) The word 'knife' follows the syllable pattern ………………………………………….
a. CVC b. CCVC c. CCCV
16) The word 'three' is composed of a …………………………………….. duster plus a vowel.
a. two consonant b. three consonant c. four consonant
17) The use of plural –s in English has three different, but very regular phonological alternative. These can be heard in words like 'ships' , 'labs' , and …………………………………………………. .
a. chips b. buses c. hats
18) There is a phonological rule followed in the pronunciation of the past tense –ed form. Consider, for example, the difference between 'walked' , 'played' , and …………………………………………. .
a. hit b. went c. wanted
19) Acronyms are formed form the initial letters of a set of words as with …………………………………….. .
20) The …………………………. is the smallest meaningless speech sound unit.
a. phone b. phoneme c. morpheme
21. The variant of the smallest meaningless speech sound unit is called ………………………………………… .
a. phone b. phonic c. allophone
22) When two words are identical except in one sound they are said to constitute a minimal …………………………. .
a. twin b. couple c. pair
23) The [t] sound 'tar' is normally pronounced with a strong puff air than the [t] in 'star'. This puff of air is technically called ………………………………………. .
a. aspiration b. substitution c. air stream
24) Blending is accomplished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it the and of another word as with 'smog' which id originally …………………………………………. .
a. 'small' and 'frog' b. 'smoking' and 'foggy' c. 'smoke' and 'fog'
25) Both [t] and [t
ʃ ] are …………………………………………….. .
a. Dental b. consonant c. alveolar
26) Both [S] and [
Ԃ ] are …………………………………………….. .
a. velar b. alveolar c. alveoplatal
27) Both [m] and [
ŋ] are …………………………………….. .
a. nasal b. bilabial c. palatal
28) The glottal stop, which occurs when the space between the vocal cords is closed briefly and then released, is represented by the phonetic symbol ………………………………………………… .
a. [ ? ] b. [o] c. [f]
29) Many speakers of American English tend to flap the [t] between vowels in words like 'letter', 'writer' and 'l' so that the [t] becomes similar to …………………………………………. .
a. [ n ] b. [d] c. [ ]
30) The complex vowel in 'cows' and 'boys' are called ………………………………………. .
a. grammatical gender b. minimal sets c. diphthongs
31) Vowel are classified according to the tongue position into 'front', 'central' and ……………………………………….. .
a. tip b. blade c. back
32) Two forms with ………………………. Meanings are called antonyms.
a. identical b. opposite c. extended
33) A good example of hyponymy is ……………………………………………………. .
a. 'cat' and 'animal' b. 'cat' and 'wall' c. 'cat' and 'linguistics'
34) The word 'canary', 'duck' and 'parrot' are all equally co-hyponyms of the super ordinate ………………………………. .
a. 'dove' b. 'flamingo' c. 'bird'
35) …………………. English is the variety which forms the basis of printed English in newspapers and books, which is used in the mass media and which is taught in schools.
a. Standard b. Non-standard c. Isogloss
36) A person who speaks ……………………………………………… dialects is bidialectal.
a. two b. four c. foreign
37) One allomorph of 'plural' is a zero morpheme as with the word ……………………………………. .
a. 'cheep' b. 'man' c. 'children'
38) In the sentence 'The boy likes his parents', the verb …………………………. With the noun boy.
a. agree b. has a problem c. disagree
39) spoken language undergoes more rapid …………………………………. Than written language.
a. cases b. changes c. influence
40) writing is an indirect ……………………………… representation of speech.
a. visa b. visit c. visible
41) English …………………………………. Provides many examples of the …. Between what is spoken and what is written.
a. productivity b. spelling c. arts
42) ……………………………………… is the deion of the systems and patterns of speech sounds in languages.
a. Syntax b. phonology c. morphology
43) …………. is two sounds segments occur in the sequence and some aspect of one segments is taken by the other.
a. Assimilation b. word c. Elision
44) Etymology is …………………………………………………………………………………………
a. the taking over of word from other language.
b. The study of the origin and history of words.
c. The new terms like trade names without capital letters
45) It is a word of one type [noun] reduced to form another type [verb].
a. Back formation b. Acronyms c. Conversion
46) The ………………….. that come inside a word. They are not normally used in English.
a. Suffixes b. Prefixes c. infixes
47) ………………………………………… concerns with the instigation of the forms of languages.
a. Morphology b. Syntax c. Phonetics
48) The Word [ tourists] contains:
a. Three morphemes b. two morphemes c. four morphemes
49) Morphemes that cannot stand alone and attached to another form.
a. free b. bound c. …
50) ………………………………….. morphemes which are used to make new words.
a. Inflectional b. Derivational c. Functional
رد مع اقتباس


منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 19-05-2013, 11:23 PM   #2


لك الحمد ربي اولآ وآخرا

الصورة الرمزية منتسـب

تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 1,254
افتراضي رد: lane321 مقدمه في اللغويات

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