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نبي حل الاسئلة غير الموجودة والتاكد من بقية الحلول _الادب الحديث

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 22-05-2014, 10:14 PM

الشلاليn الشلاليn غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
الكلية: مسار السنة التحضيرية انتساب
التخصص: لفة انجليزية
نوع الدراسة: متخرج - انتساب
المستوى: الرابع
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 106 (15) نبي حل الاسئلة غير الموجودة والتاكد من بقية الحلول _الادب الحديث

A Passage to India
1- The novel based on colonialism
2 - When E.M Forster died ? at which age !
3 -The mosque is a simple of Culture meet
4 - Mrs Moore represent Tolerance
5- The novel published in 1922
6 - Marber Caves to Dr Aziz
7 - Marber caves to Mrs Moor
8 -Final scene : boats crashed
9 - Why e.m Forster depicted India ? to give a vindication to concur this land * the question was a bit different !
10 - the novel been published in 1922
11 - how many wives Dr Aziz have ?
The Lottery
1- Shirley Jackson was attacked and criticized for the story
2 - the main theme of the story following tradition blindly
3 - black box is a simple of coffin
4 - the paper with black dot is a simple of bad luck , bad deed and sin !
5 - When she wrote the story : 1948
6 - type of written : HORROR
7 - the one who's gonna pick that paper they'll threw him with STONES
8 - the color of the box is a simple of Mourning , punishment
9 - The box is old and that condition reflects the fading of the tradition in other village
10 - Who will participate in that freaking stupid game !! ? the answers >> Old people , children , one more option , or none

Things Fall Apart
1- Chinua Achebe's Nationality
2 - The place he wrote the novel
3 - Why he wrote the novel in English --
4 - Why he hated his father
5 - Why he loved his daughter
6 - when he's EXILED ? the answer when he killed someone at the funeral
7 - He committed suicide at the end of the novel
رد مع اقتباس



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