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تقييم 449 ارجووووووو التقييم من الجميع لانني ناوي اشتكي

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 30-06-2010, 03:22 PM

الهــــــاجري الهــــــاجري غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: السابع
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 63
افتراضي تقييم 449 ارجووووووو التقييم من الجميع لانني ناوي اشتكي

سلام عليكم
بكل امانه يا شباب كم الدرجه التي استاهلها اذا كان هذا ما كتبت في ورقه الاختبار
الاختبار كان اختيار اربع اسىله وانا اخترت هذه الاسىله وكانت هذه اجوبتي امانه يا شباب تقييمكم للاجوبه كم لانه بنا على التقييم رح اشتكي واراجع ورقه الاجابه الدكتور اعطاني 70 على هالحل واتوقع استاهل اكثر

n "Sailing To Byzantium", What is the speaker complaining about and what is he seeking?

The speaker is complaining about the agony of old age in the country that he has left.That country is now full of youth and life,with the young lying in one another’s arm’s,birds singing in the tree and fish swimming in the waters.The “all summer long” the world rings with the”sensual music” that makes the young neglect the old,who the speaker describes as “monuments of Unageing.
The speaker seeking to attain the eternal presence through remaining a vital individual even when the heart is fastened to a dying animal “the body”.The speakers solution is to leave the country of the young and travel to byzantium where the sages in the city famous gold mosaics could become the singing masters of his soul.He hope the sages will appear in fire and take him away from his body into an existence outside time.

In "DESERT PLACES" What is the different meaning of desert?

1-loneliness 2-melancholy 3-solitude 4-callousness 5-tormenting lashes 6-sluggishness
7-mod of emptiness 8-deprivation 9-desert outside and desert insides 10-crossing various deserts to find out destiny.
The title suggests a mood of emptiness.Through our life we cross various deserts to find our destiny.The pome emerges as a gigantic phor for melancholy,loneliness and solitude.

The "bridge party" was an attempt to bring the British and the Indians closer to each other. Why was this party unsuccessful?

9 The party unsuccessful due to the cultural differences between the indians and the english.They cannot understand each others. Adela views india as a subject for intellectual study. Also mrs.moore realises that india exists in hundreds of ways and that it cannot be understood by a single mind or in a single visit.The attitude of some indians such as mohammed ali and aziz was negative as they see the english has. Furthermore,Forster shows that indians value the emotion and purpose behind a statement more than the literal words behin stated. At Fieldings tea party aziz often tells lies to be hospitable or to keep a conversation progressing smoothly. Similarly other indians such as the nawab bahadur give elaborate speeches that seem to have no coherent point but serve to rescue the party from disgrace or impoliteness. In addition the indians seem to favor indiect speech the english value statements primarily on the basis of literal truth. Finally there is no a single india the real india exist in hundreds of guises.

In " A Passage to India" is a friendship between the Indians and the British possible?

7 Forster is pessimistic about a friendship between the indians and the british and on the view that there is a greatdifficulty in having a friendship between them because of the cross -culture differences between them as follows:At the beginning of the novel, Aziz is scornful of the English, wishing only to consider them comically or ignore them completely. Yet the intuitive connection Aziz feels with Mrs. Moore in the mosque opens him to the possibility of friendship with Fielding. Through the first half of the novel, Fielding and Aziz represent a positive model of liberal humanism: Forster suggests that British rule in India could be successful and respectful if only English and Indians treated each other as Fielding and Aziz treat each other—as worthy individuals who connect through frankness, intelligence, and good will.Aziz tells Fielding that they cannot be friends until the English have been driven out of India. Fielding replies that he wants to be friends, and that it is also what Aziz wants. The last paragraph, however, suggests that the impersonal forces at work in India will not yet allow such a friendship.
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