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تحديد مادة مقدمه في اللغويات 321 للفصل الصيفي 1431هـ

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 09-08-2010, 04:27 AM   #13

ال الشيخ

سوريا الثوره

الصورة الرمزية ال الشيخ

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
التخصص: لغات اوروبيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 685
افتراضي رد: تحديد مادة مقدمه في اللغويات 321 للفصل الصيفي 1431هـ

الدرس العاشر

10 Semantics
تعريف من عند الدكتور فوزي حفظه الله
is a sub brunch and linguistics which is concered with the structure and meaning and words

Two or more words with very closely related meanings are called synonyms
almost/nearly, big/large, broad/wide, buy/purchase,
cab/taxi, car/automobile, couch/sofa, freedom/liberty.

Two forms with opposite meanings are called antonyms. Some common
examples are the pairs: alive/dead, big/small, fast/slow, happy/sad, hot/cold,
long/short, male/female, married/single, old/new, rich/poor, true/false.

When the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, the
relationship is described as hyponymy.
وطبعا الشكل اخر صفحة 105
living thing
creature plant
animal insect vegetable flower tree
dog horse snake ant cockroach carrot rose banyan pine
poodle asp

Whenwe encounter two or morewords with the same formand related meanings,
we have what is technically known as polysemy. Polysemy can be defined as
one form (written or spoken) having multiple meanings that are all related by
extension. Examples are the word head, used to refer to the object on top of your
body, on top of a glass of beer, person at the top of a company or department,
and many other things. Other examples of polysemy are foot (of person, of bed,
of mountain) or run (person does, water does, colors do).
If we aren’t sure whether different uses of a single word are examples of
homonymy or polsemy,


انتهى الدرس العاشر

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