

العودة   منتديات سكاو > الكليات الجامعية > منتدى كــلــية الاقــتصاد والإدارة > منتدى برنامج البكالوريوس العام > منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (برنامج البكالوريوس العام)
التسجيل مشاركات اليوم البحث

اسئلة القانون التجاري

منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (برنامج البكالوريوس العام)

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 12-05-2012, 03:36 PM

ااااناااا ااااناااا غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2010
التخصص: محاسبه
نوع الدراسة: إنتظام
المستوى: التاسع
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 117 (4) اسئلة القانون التجاري

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذي الاسئله اللي كتبتها مع الاستاذه امل لجزئية النهائي كاامله
اتوقع فيها اخطاء في السبيلينق لاني للحين ماذاكرت وكلمات كثيره كتبتها ما اعرف معناها
اللي عنده اي تعديل او تصحيح يعدل عليها واذا فيه اسئله زياده ياليت تحطوها عشان نستفيد كلنا
بالتوفيـــــــــــــــــق جميعا
مابي منكم الا دعواااتكم

1-acurding with saudi law can be stuplish single person company at all time (F)

2-contrubution in kind apply it rules of rent (F)

3-capital company consists of all contribution (F)

4-recuired to share profit and losses is based on arthimetic equality between members (F)

5-if extanses the leonine clause in company contract becomes nullity (F)

6-the afficto socitutis is based on no quality by two element(F)

7-writing the company contract is considered specific element(F)formal

8- writing company contract is considered valid element (F) proof

9-in joint stock require be publish the summery in daily (F)

10-is required to application the de facto company the company shall be not absolute nullity (F)

^^^انا اشوف انه صح بس مادري ليه حطته خطأ

11-the juristic personality …….. by dissolution the company (F)


12-the separate patrimonim of the company meaning that mass of person rights and obligation (F)

13-is result declared bankruptcy of the partnership member dissolution (T)

14- the capacity of the company meaning that exercise all acts and transaction at all time (F)

15- can be buneshment the company penally biable (F)

16-the name of the capital company consists of its objective (T)

17-the domicile of company is determined by activity (F)

18-enph to given the company an Saudi nationality that established in accordance with Saudi law (F)

19-the director is considerd an agint of the company (F)

20-considerd termination by agreement of members of the company stop payment its debtors (F)

21-the partner can be withdraw from the company by his will alone if the company determine period (F)

22-termination the legel personality of the company by the solution (F)

23-the company can be decleard if it stoped payment his debtor the liquidation period (T)

24-the liquidator is considered an agent (F)

25- the liquidator the considerd an agent of the partner during the distribution (T)

من سؤال 22 ل 25 قالت مررره مهمة وأكيد بتجي في الاختبار

26-can be insert the claus in the company contract on limited liability of the general partner aginest other (F)

27-the joint of the partner is considerd responsible for the debets of company of all time (F)

28-may be agreement between members on write the general partner to transfer his share to another person without any restraction (F)

29-the statury manager is appointing by a separate act (F)

30- the partner statury manager is this charging by … (F)

فيه كلمه ناقصه

31-may be agreement in the company contract on prevent the partner from examen the company's books (F)

32-the limited partner may be present a contribution in work (F)

33-the limited partner can be declared bankrupt (F)

34-the limited partner can be practice external management acts (F)

35-the joint stock company based on personal consideration (F)

36-it is necessary that funder be a neuter person (F)

37-alicense to establishment the joint stock company from minister tred at all cause (F)

38-the joint stock company a quire intrastes personality from the dute of issue at a decision of the competment minister to declared it establishment (T)

39-privert share grand it ownership multy favor in (F)

40-debentuers ownership is considered a partner in the company (F)

41- debentures secured are debentures issued by less than (F)

42-shareholders is considered a partner in joint stock company (F)

43- quotas foundation holder can be ask the liquidation of the company (F)

44-the capital joint stock company consists of quotas foundation (F)

45-absent from the meeting is considered a resion for the exeption from liability (F)

46- ordinary general assemly apointmint the first a detor (F)

تمت بحمد الله وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد

رد مع اقتباس



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