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ليسننق 2 هنا الجزء الكتابي في الاختبار فقط

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 22-07-2012, 07:03 PM
الصورة الرمزية نجمal

نجمal نجمal غير متواجد حالياً

ابو ريان

تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 384
Post ليسننق 2 هنا الجزء الكتابي في الاختبار فقط

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سنخصص هذه الصفحه بعون الله للجزء الكتابي المطلوب منا في اختبار هذه الماده حسب ما يريد الاستاذ الفاضل مشاري الشهري وفقه الله وانا سأبدأ وأعطي ما عندي

صـ20 و 21 و 22 و 23 طبعا انا استفدت من ملخصات الاخوان للاعوام السابقه وجمعتها لكم في هذه الصفحه وعدلت بعض الاجابات لكي تصبح نموذجيه مع صديقي مترجم قوقل
وللامانه نذكرهم ونشكرهم ( The First Step و cool2011 ) جزاهم الله خير

نبدأ بعون الله ,,,,,


listen to the following and follow the instructions on your book for taking notes

Part 1

Today we're going to discuss money and how it developed. The development of money is one of the big achievements of the ancient world. It helped increase the ability of people to trade products over long distances, and it helped the creation of wealthy empires. You might think that money is as old as humanity, as old as human beings. But it's not, it is less than 3000 years old it developed in the ancient world. In the Mediterranean and Middle East, you can see this area of the world on the map on page 2 of your textbook. People invented money because it filled some important needs. Today were going to talk about the reasons people invented money, and .some of the steps in the development of money

?How did money change the ancient world

Helped people to treade over long distant, it helped the creation of wealthy empires.

How old is money?

The Money age is less than 3000 years old.

Where did money first develop?

the money first developed in the Mediterianand and middle east .

Part 2 :

First of all, trade is older than money. Before the invention of money, people all over the world traded with each other in this early trade, people exchanged one Good or product for another. They traded within their own group and they also traded with outsiders. When one society had a good or product that another society did not have, people would organize a system for trading. This kind of trade existed since very ancient times, and existed in every part of the world. Societies might exchange food like grain for minerals like jade or iron. In China and Africa people used ls in trade. Even accounting is older than money, which is kind of surprising, some of the oldest writing in the world is about trade accounts. For example, in the poorer the city in ancient Mesopotamia people wrote on clay tablets beginning about 2300 BCE. Many of the examples of this writing are about accounts for things that people traded or sold, such as houses beer, or other property. So even though very ancient societies had traded even accounting, they did not have money they traded one good for another good

Before invention of money , what were examples of goods and ?that ancient society traded

They traded food , grain , minerals e.g. jade , iron and they used ls .

Which is older , acounting or money?

Accounting is older than money.

Part 3 :
Money developed because it met some of the economic needs of society. I want to tell you about some of these needs so that you can see why money was invented. One need in the ancient world was to have a way to move value or valuable goods over great distances. It was possible to move goods over water in ships, or overland with animals. But the size and weight of many goods made long-distance trading difficult. Another need an ancient trade was security. Large amounts of goods were hard to protect when they were carried over long distances in strange countries. Another need an ancient society was to preserve, or maintain value in transactions among strangers. When society develops extensive trade, the trades take place over great distances, and the traders may not know each other or trades may take place in several steps involving more than two people. In this kind of trade people need to trust that commodities have a specific value

]?What are some economic needs that ancient society had
Needed to move goods over long distance also need to
security and need maintain value in transaction among strangers


We could say that trading l was a step in the development of money. In some places in the ancient world such as Canaan and Mycenae people began to use ls as trade items. People used lumps of pure ls such as copper, bronze, silver, and sometimes gold as a commodity. Merchants were willing to trade goods for ls, and sacred trade the use ls again for goods. Archaeologists have found pieces of pure l in jars may contain an in about 1000 BCE. This l was used in trade with other far-way societies such as Mycenae in the Mediterranean. Using l as a commodity made trading easier but there were still problems with this kind of trade. First, pieces of l did not have standard weights at this time, so merchants had to weigh them. This meant that merchants had to carry scales and weights around with them, and they had to use them every time they made a trade. We can call this the problem of standardization. A second problem, was that there was no way to know whether l used in trade was pure. A piece of silver or gold might be pure, or it might be mixed with other ls. We can call this the problem of purity.

What are examples of ancient societies that usedl in trade ?

Canaan and Mycenae are examples of ancient societies that usedl in trade .

What problems did ancient merchants have with using l as a commodity?

Standardization of weight and purity of l of problems that ancient merchants had with using l as a commodity.

Part 5 :

So to solve these problems and meet these needs, ancient societies made a change in the old way of trading for pieces of l. What they did was to invent money. The first true money, was in the form of coins, which were pieces of pure l with unknown weight. Ancient coins were guaranteed by a state or ruler to have a certain weight and to be made of a certain l. To solve the problem of standardization, states set up standard weights for pieces of silver gold and bronze and to solve the problem of purity they set up a system to guarantee that the pieces were pure. Traders would know the value of a piece of l if they could be sure how much it weighed and if they knew what was pure. Money also help fill the needs of ancient traders. Since money was small compared to its value, it was easy to carry over long distances.Money was also more secure than other guards because it was easy to carry, to hide and to protect.

What was form of the first money ? what special qualities dId early money have?
First money was form of coins made of pure l with known weight guarantee the state ruler.
how did money solve the problems of standardization and purity ?
states set up standard weight of gold , silver and bronze and guaranteed their .

what economic needs did money meet?
Money was easy carry , hide and protect and more security

Part 6 :

States that made money use special symbols to let traders know that they could trust the value of the money. States guaranteed both the weight and the purity of coins by stepping them with a picture that people can recognize. The picture was often of an animal or other figure that symbolized the state, such as a lion, bull, turtle, a bird, or a God or Goddess. Some of the first money we know about was made near the Mediterranean Sea, where societies traded overland over water by ship. In 650 B.C.E. lydia was a trading society in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ionia was a Greek speaking area nearby where city states traded with other societies. These states were among the first to make money and to use it in trade. . The Lydian state was the first one to guarantee both the purity and the weight of l coins. Very early coins were also made in Aegina, which did a lot of trade by sea. Their drachma coin became a standard. Other island countries imitated their money. Most of the ancient coins were made of silver. In Lydia, most coins were electrum, a combination of gold and silver. Other early money was made in Persia around 500 BCE, during the time of the Emperor Darius the first. The Persian Empire at this time made of gold coin called the darius and a silver coin called the siglos

How did state guarantee that coins had a certain weight and purity ?
State guaranteed coins by stamping them with state symbols .
What are examples of society that made early money ? when did they first use money ?
societies that made early money are Lydia around 650 BC they first used money in 650 b c , lonia , again and Persia around 500 BC

Part 7 :

After the invention of money in the ancient world, states competed to have their money accepted most widely. States that had the most extensive trade and the purest ls had the better chance of having their money accepted. Athens was one of the most successful city-states in the ancient Mediterranean. It played an important part in the development of money. Rulers in Athens learned about making coins from other states, and because of their extensive trade, Athenian coins were the most popular for a long period of ancient history. Athenian coins had several different weight standards, ranging from the tiny 1/8 obol* up to the talent, which was thousands of times more valuable. Athens was the first society to use money for everyday purchases, not only for trade. Athenians used money for wages, buying food, clothes, household objects, and other daily necessities. After the end of the period of Greek dominance in around 31 BCE, the Romans became the economic leaders of a big part of the Mediterranean area. The Romans copied Greek and Persian ideas about making money, and Roman coins became an international form of money.

which states had a better chance to have their money accepted by other societies ?
states with the most extensive trade and money made of the purest l had had
a better chance to having their money accepted by other society

way was Athens important in the development of money?
it has the most popular form of money.

what did Athenians use money for?
used money for everyday purchases – not just trade.
what society followed the Greek in making popular forms of money ?
the Romans followed the Greek in making popular forms ofmoney

Part 8 :

After the development of money, many new things were possible. Money allowed people to cooperate, to work together to do things they could not do alone. For example, in ancient Greece, groups of merchants put together their money to buy large amounts of grain and other food from foreign countries. This allowed ancient societies to develop economically. Money led to the creation of banks that could make loans. In ancient Greece, bankers loaned money to merchants, and this allowed merchants to start new businesses. Money also helped in the creation of powerful armies. For example, Alexander the Great, the Greek military leader, made money and used it to buy supplies and pay wages for his army. This army was able to control a great deal of the known world, from Italy to India, because of the power of its money

how did money change the ancient economic world ?
Money allowed people to cooperate , together to work.

واخيرا نعتذر على الاطاله واتمنى تكون وصلت طريقة الاختبار للجزء الكتابي طبعا راح تكون المذاكره بهذه الطريقه وعلى كلام الاستاذ انه راح يجيب براقرافين وتكون قصيره وبالتوفيق للجميع

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