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التسجيل مشاركات اليوم البحث

منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها) قسم خاص يتم نقل المواضيع المميزة و الملخصات والملفات المهمه الخاصة بقسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

تحليل وترجمة قصيدة on his blindness

منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها)

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 02-12-2013, 10:25 PM

طمنا طمنا غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2010
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الأول
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 59 (11) تحليل وترجمة قصيدة on his blindness

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هذا تحليل وترجمة لقصيدة on his blindness

On His Blindness

By John Milton (1608-1674)

John Milton was of sun rich man whose father Side of all the time and Supported him by

Givin him a lot of money to study and he studied at a best university and he was Known at the university of Cambridge as a lady of faculty because he was gentl nice

This written when he was about to be Blind when he was less a 25 years old and he was very sad that he started lose his eyes he was very Religion man he was Purten
. Milton as
second only to Shakespeare in poetic ability.

On His Blindness by John Milton

When I consider how my light is spent1
Ere half my days2 in this dark world and wide
And that one talent3 which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless,4 though my soul more bent
To serve therewith5 my Maker, and present
My true account,6 lest he returning chide;
"Doth God exact7 day labor, light denied?"
I fondly8 ask. But Patience,9 to prevent
That murmur, soon replies,. "God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts.10 Who best
Bear his mild yoke,11 they serve him best. His state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed,.
And post12 o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.13


1- In the line 1 He Explains his situation he consider how is light is lost The word light can most easily his ability to

2- in the line 4 he fell is his life be coma darkness and useless because that he want Suicide tokill himself and his soul want that
3- in line 5 " why he dos not
allowed to himself Of suicide ? he has a beauty whit this word witch a serve gad my Maker
4- in line 6 " he want to ask gad why me gad why me be coming blind after that he think
he should not say that because if I say that I Object gad he want to serve gad


1. light is spent: This clause presents a double meaning: (a) how I spend my days, (b) how it is that my sight is used up.

2. Ere half my days: Before half my life is over. Milton was completely blind by 1652, the year he turned 44.

3talent: See Line 3 which is a key to the meaning of the poem. He fell sorry about him self

4. useless: Unused.

5. therewith: By that means, by that talent; with it

6. account: Record of accomplishment; worth

7. exact: Demand, require طلب " مطالبة

8. fondly: Foolishly, unwisely حماقة " سذاجه

9. Patience: Milton personifies patience, capitalizing it and having it speak. الصبر – يجسد الصبر بانه يتكلم ويستفيد منه

10. God . . . gifts: God is sufficient unto Himself. He requires nothing outside of Himself to exist and be happy.

11. yoke: Burden, workload. حبل يوضع على عنق الحيوانات

12. post: Travel.

13. chide: scold or reproach gently. عتاب أو تأنيب بلطف

Examples of Figures of Speech:

- الجناس – تكرار الحروفAlliteration: my days in this dark world and wide(line 2)

استعارةMetaphor: though my soul more bent / To serve therewith my Maker (lines 3-4). The author compares his soul to his mind.

تجسيدPersonification/Metaphor: But Patience, to prevent / That murmur, soon replies . . . (lines 8-9).

Paradox: They also serve who only stand and wait. التناقض – المفارقه

What are the them ?

This sonnet has simple diction (not end-stopped). Milton has used his extensive knowledge of the Bible to create a deeply personal poem

سونت بسيطة في الألقاء ولا نهاية لها وقد استخدمت ميلتون معرفته الواسعة من الكتاب المقدس لخلق قصيدة شخصيه عميقه
The main themes of this poem are Milton's exploration of his feeling of fear, limitation, light and darkness, duty and doubt, regarding his failed sight, his rationalisation of this anxiety by seeking solutions in his faith.

ترجمة النص :

عندما أتذكّر كيف انقضت حياتي..

وأنا في زهرة عمري وشبابي في هذا العالم المظلم الواسع

حيث أنّ موهبتي في الشّعر قد اختفت وانطوت

وأصبحَت بلا جدوى.. ولكن وعلى الرّغم من ذلك فإنّني مصمّمٌ

على عبادة خالقي، ومُدركٌ لوجوب طاعته..

ومع أنّني أخشى عقابك وبَطشك إلا أنّني أسأل بحماقة:

"لمَ عليّ أن أعبدك وقد حرمْتني نعمة البصر؟"

ولكنّ الصّبر يناديني، ليمنع تلك التّمتمة:

"الله ليس بحاجةٍ إلى عباده أو عملهم الصّالح..

فهناك من يعبدونه بإخلاص ويتوقون لرضاه،، ولا ينتظرون المقابل"

ملك السّماوات والأرض: يجري العباد بأمرك

يطوفون الأرض، ويخوضون البحار بلا كللٍ أو ملل

طمعاً في مغفرتك ورحمتك..
رد مع اقتباس



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