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من يحل لنا اسئله 341 لو سمحتوا

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 31-05-2009, 05:10 AM

عبدالله الوبيرى عبدالله الوبيرى غير متواجد حالياً

عبدالله الوبيرى

تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
التخصص: انقليزى
نوع الدراسة: انتساب
المستوى: السابع
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 110
افتراضي من يحل لنا اسئله 341 لو سمحتوا

اخوانى من يحل لنا اسئله مقدمه فى الادب 341 ونكون له من الشاكرين
آسئلة اختبار مقدمة الادب 341
الجزء الآول: 20 فقرة اختيارات (20 درجة)

1. When the Flower Girl gets in the taxi at Covent Garden after the thunderstorm, where does she initially tell the taxicab to take her?
(A) 27A Wimpole Street
(B) Bucknam Pellis [Buckingham Palace]
(C) The Ambassador's garden party
(D) Angel Court, Drury Lane

2. Mrs. Costello is what relation of Winterbourne's?
(A) Mother
(B) Mistress
(C) Sister
(D) Aunt

3. Higgins claims that English is the language of:
(A) The Queen
(B) The noblest race
(C) All mankind
(D) Shakespeare, Milton, and The Bible

4. Why does the crowd hiding from the rain get so upset with Higgins for taking notes of the Flower Girl's speech?
(A) They think that he is a busybody plainsclothes policeman who won't leave an innocent girl alone
(B) They think he is trying to take advantage of her
(C) They think he has not enough gumption to get his own taxi
(D) He's ugly

5. Why do Winterbourne's friends like to say that he's in Geneva “studying”?
(A) He's doing an advanced degree there
(B) It wouldn't be discreet to say he has a mistress there
(C) They don't want him to sound like a rich, idle slacker
(D) B and C

6. What have Pickering and Higgins written respectively?
(A) Sanskrit in Mime; Higgins Says
(B) Dialects of India; Higgins' Guide to Phonetics
(C) Spoken Sanskrit; Higgins' Universal Alphabet
(D) The Speech of Gentlemen; How to Make a Duchess in Six Months

7. When Randolph first meets Winterbourne, what does he ask him for?
(A) Candy
(B) Sugar
(C) A stock tip
(D) A hug

8. How does Eliza Doolittle dress herself up when she visits Higgins to ask to take speech lessons?
(A) She takes a long-overdue bath
(B) She wears a blue kimono with cunning white flower embroidery
(C) She brings her voluble father as a reference
(D) She wears three mismatched ostrich feathers in her tattered hat

9. Where does Winterbourne promise to take Daisy in Chapter 1?
(A) Schenectady
(B) Lourdes
(C) Rome
(D) Chillon Castle

10. What reason does Higgins give for deciding to take on the experiment?
(A) He wants to prove to Pickering that he is indeed the greatest teacher alive
(B) Eliza's presence in the house will be an amusement to Mrs. Pearce
(C) Only to shut the girl up from all her dreadful crying
(D) Because life is but a series of inspired follies, and one must never lose a chance to commit one

11. When Mrs. Costello describes the Millers as “common,” she means that they are what?
(A) Like a lot of other Americans she's met
(B) Socially unacceptable
(C) Vulgar
(D) B and C

12. After she threatens to leave because is so unfeeling, what does Henry give Eliza to convince her to stay?
(A) Half a chocolate cream
(B) A silk handkerchief
(C) Five pounds
(D) A blue kimono

13. When Winterbourne first meets Daisy, it occurs to him that she may be what?
(A) Less innocent than she seems
(B) A ghost
(C) A transvestite
(D) A handful

14. What does Eliza usually wear to sleep?
(A) A ragged nightgown
(B) Her day clothes
(C) Stolen coats
(D) Nothing

15. What excuse does Winterbourne give for being unable to introduce Daisy to his aunt?
(A) She is out of town
(B) She hardly socializes at all
(C) She has these terrible headaches
(D) B and C

16. When Alfred Doolittle says he is willing to sell his daughter for fifty pounds, Pickering asks him if he has no morals. Alfred says what in response?
(A) "What's the good of morals?"
(B) "Have you any?"
(C) "Can't afford them."
(D) "My wife won't let me have any."

17. During their trip to Chillon, why does Daisy get angry at Winterbourne?
(A) He makes fun of her ignorance
(B) He tips the guard to leave them alone
(C) He tells her he's leaving Vevey soon
(D) He recites a long poem by Lord Byron

18. All of the following witness Eliza Doolittle's phonetic debut at Mrs. Higgins' at-home except:
(A) Mrs. Eynsford Hill
(B) Clara and Freddy
(C) Alfred Doolittle
(D) Colonel Pickering

19. At Daisy's funeral, what does Giovanelli tell Winterbourne about Daisy?
(A) That she was stuck up
(B) That she was innocent
(C) That she was ignorant
(D) That she was wealthy

20. On her deathbed, what does Daisy want Winterbourne to know?
(A) She always thought he was too formal
(B) She was never engaged to Giovanelli
(C) She remembered their trip to Chillon fondly and wondered if he did too
(D) B and C

(الفقرات منوعة يبن ديزي ميلر وبيجماليون، من موقع sparknotees(
الجزء الثاني:(20 درجة)
كتابة 70 - 100 كلمة عن احد الموضوعين التاليين
A: لم اتذكر السؤال، ولكن كان عن ديزي ميلر
B: تطور شخصية الايزا دوليتل من بداية المسرحية يوم كانت فلور غيرل الى آخر مشهد
الجزء الثالث:(20 درجة)
Quotations اقتباسات 3 من مسرحية بيجماليون، تختار 2 منها

A: " Your daughter had the audacity to come to my house and ask me to teach her how to speak properly so that she could get a place in a flower-shop. This gentleman and my housekeeper have been here all the time. [Bullying him] How dare you come here and attempt to blackmail me? You sent her here on purpose."
1. Who is the speaker?________
2. To whom ? ________
3. What is the occasion? _________________________
4. ........

B. You silly boy, of course shes not presentable. Shes a triumph of your art and of her dressmaker's; but if you suppose for a moment that she doesnt give herself away in every sentence she utters, you must be perfectly cracked about her.
1. Who is the speaker?________
2. To whom ? ________
3. What is the occasion? _________________________
4. but if you suppose اشرح مالمقصود بالعبارة التي تحتها خط( من

C. t's quite true that your father is not a snob, and that he will be quite at home in any station of life to which his eccentric destiny may call him. [Seriously] The great secret, Eliza, is not having bad manners or good manners or any other particular sort of manners, but having the same manner for all human souls: in short, behaving as if you were in Heaven, where there are no third-class carriages, and one soul is as good as another.
1. Who is the speaker?________
2. To whom ? ________
3. What does the speaker try to say about human relationship? __________________
4. There is a phor, find it and explain it?
الجزء الرابع (30درجة)
اربع فقرات، تحلها كلها
أ- تكلم عن باهوم والشيطان-اعاذنا الله من شره- وكيف استطاع ان يغويه وما الى ذلك
ب- اكتب وصف نقدي لشخصية Mr. Lantine
ج- how far is the justified to say that " Chimney Sweeper" of Blake is a bitter comment against the society, the church, .... or someting about .... not sure???
د- سؤال صعب يقول كيف يرى الشاعر ووردسميث اهمية الذاكرة والذكريات للانسان، وكيف مادري ايش تربط الانسان بالطبية، استشهد بقصيدة I wander lonely

هذا الجزء كان الاصعب، لاحظ انه 30 درجة
الجزء الخامس (10 درجات)
تعاريف المصطلحات الادبية، اورد تقريبا 10 مصطلحات والمطلوب الاجابة عن 5
Personification - Simile - Conflict - Climax - Satire
Static (flat) character - Antagonist - Rhyme - Irony

الله المستعان

رد مع اقتباس



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