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هل بالامكان التقديم على التعيين بعد الترم الاول ؟؟

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 04-10-2011, 12:33 AM   #11



الصورة الرمزية e.academic

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
التخصص: English literature
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 114
افتراضي رد: هل بالامكان التقديم على التعيين بعد الترم الاول ؟؟

الله يوفقك على هذه المعلومات المفيده .. بس كيف يعني اجهز نفسي لاختيار القياس ؟؟ واسف على كثر الاسئلة


e.academic غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 04-10-2011, 05:34 AM   #12



الصورة الرمزية cool2011

تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2011
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 646
افتراضي رد: هل بالامكان التقديم على التعيين بعد الترم الاول ؟؟

ابحث بالنت عن الاسئله اللــسابقه لــــ كفايات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية

وشف اي من مناهجنا اللي مركزين عليها اكثر شي

هذا نوذج قديم وما عرفت ارفقه مع هذا الرد لكن ممكن انك تاخذ فكره عنه

كفايات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية


1- Professional Competency

1.1- Theoretical Background

I-General information on language acquisition and learning, including factors affecting them:
1 -Familiarity with basic theories of first language acquisition:
- Behavioristic
- Cognitive-Code learning
2- Knowledge about main factors that affect 2nd language learning:
- Amount of exposure
- Motivation
- Attitude
- Aptitude
II- General information on different language teaching methods:
1- Grammar Translation Method
2- Audio-lingual Method
3- Communicative Approach
4-Community language learning
5-Eclectic method
III- Contrastive and Error Analyses:
1-Transfer of first language
2-Error identification and classification
3-Remedial procedures
IV-Information on main type English language tests.
- Proficincy
- Acheivement
- Aptitude
- Diagnostic

1.2- Practical Background:
I- Techniques of teaching:
(A) Language Elements:
[ discrimination exercises, minimal pairs, production….]
[types of exercises: mechanical , meaningful communicative]
-Grammar & Structure:
(Types of exercises; mechanical, meaningful, communicative )
[ recognition and production :synonyms, antonyms, use of words in
sentences, guessing meaning from context….]
(B) Skills
- Listening:
[listening comprehension: sentences, dialogues, extended texts]
- Speaking:
[ teaching dialogues, activities that promote speaking: pair work,
team work, games ……..]
- Reading:
[ loud reading, intensive and extensive reading , reading strategies: scanning, skimming ……]
- Writing:
[ copying , controlled, guided and free composition; mechanics and paragraph writing ]
(C) General knowledge about learning-teaching strategies
II-Techniques of testing:
-Techniques of testing students performance on English language elements and skills(sound system, grammatical structures, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing).

III- Use of educational aids in language teaching:
 Visual aids: pictures, maps, graphs...etc
 Audio aids: radio, tape recorder, language labs...etc.
 Video recording and computers
2. Linguistic Competency
2.1. Competencies in Language Skills and Functions
2.1.1. Listening Comprehension:

Ability to:
(1) understand face-to-face communication.
(2) follow speech and conversations about most survival needs and limited social conventions.
(3) follow an extended stretch of speech on general topics.

Level of performance:
Vocabulary permits understanding of topics beyond basic survival needs such as personal history and leisure-time activities. Evidence of understanding all basic grammatical structures.
2.1.2. Speaking:

Ability to:
(1) satisfy most survival needs and social demands.
(2) initiate a conversation, and handle with confidence most social situations, including introductions and casual conversations about current events.
(3) give a short presentation on a general topic.
(4) reasonably describe and give precise information.

Level of performance:
 Articulation is comprehensible.
 Has sufficient working vocabulary to permit discussion of topics beyond basic survival needs.
 Has sufficient control of basic grammatical patterns.

2.1.3. Reading:

(1) Sufficient comprehension abilty to understand a passage for personal communication, information or recreational purposes.
(2) Has ability to read with understanding social notes, letters and invitations.
(3) Has ability to skim and scan texts to locate and derive main ideas of passages on familiar topics.
(4) Is able to read aloud in a proper manner with correct pronunciation of English sounds, observing prosodic features such as stress and intonation.
(5) Shows spontaneity in reading by ability to guess meaning from contexts.

Level of performance:
 Has a reasonable stock of passive vocabulary required to understand a text on a common topic.
 Has the knowledge of all grammatical structures needed for understanding any text of a general nature.
 Has a reasonable knowledge of common cohesive devices and their functions and meanings.

2.1.4. Writing:

(1) Has sufficient control of writing system to meet most survival needs and social demands.
(2) Has ability to write simple social correspondence.
(3) Has ability to take notes on familiar topics.
(4) Has ability to write cohesive summaries, and resumes, short narratives and deions on familiar topics.

Level of performance:
 -Has sufficient writing vocabulary to allow a person to express himself in different life situations.
 -Shows good control of basic grammatical constructions.

2.1.5. Translation:

(1) Has ability to translate a short and simple passage on a familiar topic from English into idiomatic Arabic and from Arabic into English.
(2) Shows ability to translate short oral communications between English and Arabic.


2.2. Language Components
2.2.1.Competency in Pronunciation:

Ability to recognize and produce the following:
Statements Falling
Yes/No questions Rising
Confirmation Question
Repetition Question
Long utterances sustained + Falling/ Rising
Question Tag

Placement of primary stress ( especially in bisyllabic words)
Phrasal stress ( normal x for emphasis)

Stress timed x syllable timed (English vs. Arabic)

i: seat, see
i x e sit x set
e: late
e let
æ x a cat x father
cut, mother
a father
u: pool, fool
u pull, full
xu pot x put
o x boat, coal, sow
bought, call, saw

ay high, light
au now, house
y boy, foil
p x b pin x bin
č x š chair x share
j x ž ‍ large x mirage
f x v
θ x s bath x bass (for speakers of some Arabic dialects)
ð x z though x zoo ( = = = = = = = )
š fish
ž measure , vision
 x ng long
l x l (clear x dark l) low x law
r ( retroflex in American English)
y and w yet, win
N.B. X means “in contrast with”

Consonant clusters
Initial consonant clusters:
especially s+consonant (+consonant) as in street , star, special

Realization of the {Z} and {D}morphemes
1- {Z} plural, Possessive, 3rd Person.
-s: /s/,/z/,/ iz/ ( books, figs, matches)
2- {D} past and past participle
--ed: / t/, /d/, / Id/ ( looked, rubbed, seated)

Allophonic Variants
(Discrimination for comprehension)

I. Inter vocalic t and d : matter, ladder (in American English)
II. Assimilation of t to (n) and (r) : center, twenty, thirty, forty (in American English)

Competency in Grammatical Structures

Ability to distinguish and use the following:

Sentence types
1- Declarative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
2- Interrogative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
2.1 Yes/no questions
2.2 Question-word sentences
3-Imperative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
3.1 Commands
3.2 Polite requests
4-Exclamatory sentences
Short sentences
1-Short answers (type: (Yes,) I am; (No,) I cannot)
2-Short questions (type: Are you? Can’t you)
3-Question-tags ( type: You aren’t afraid, are you?)
Sentence Types:
1--Simple sentences, up to those containing two complements
2- Compound sentences: Co-ordination with and, but, or
3-Complex sentences: Sentences containing object-clauses, Subject- clauses (type: It is a pity that you cannot ), adverbial clauses of time, place, condition, cause/ reason, relative clauses

1- Main verbs ( see vocabulary list)
2- Copula: BE
BECOME (I may become a doctor)
GET( He’s getting old)
FALL( He’s fallen ill)
FEEL ( I don’t feel quite well)
REMAIN ( Will it remain dry today)
STAY ( It won’t stay dry for long)

3- Auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries:
HAVE: perfect and pluperfect
BE: present continuous and past continuous
BE GOING TO: future
WILL future
voice: BE
periphrasis : Do
modality : CAN: ability, capability, possibility, permission
COULD: see CAN; also: suggestion
BE ABLE TO: ability, capability
BE GOING TO: intention ; future
MAY: uncertainty ; permission
BE ALLOWED TO: permission
BE SUPPOSED TO: permission
MUST: logical conclusion ; obligation
HAVE TO: obligation
NEED (+ not)absence of obligation
OUGHT TO: advisability; right/wrong
SHALL:(in questions): offer, suggestion
SHOULD: right/wrong; disapproval
WILL: intention; request, capacity; future
WOULD: see WILL ; also enquiry, request
1- Finite forms
2- Infinitive:
2-1 plain infinitive ( V inf): with auxiliaries; with let’s, let me, I’d rather .

infinitive with ( V to): with semi- auxiliaries ( have to, ought to, be going to, etc); with main verbs ( hate, like, try, want); with predicative adjectives (how nice, be sorry, be glad, be delighted)
3- Imperatives
4- Past participle ( V ed): in perfect and pluperfect; in passive; after causative HAVE
5- Present participle/gerund ( V ing): in continuous tenses; after come, enjoy, go, hate, like, remember; after prepositions

Aspect :
2-Past ( including ‘ modal past’ of auxiliaries : COULD, MIGHT, OUGHT TO, SHOULD, WOULD )
3-Future ( with will, be going to, and continuous tenses of verbs of motion)

1-Nouns as head of NP
2-Attributive nouns, especially material nouns


1-Positive degree
2-Comparative degree ( -er, more ); irregular forms of those ‘irregular’ adjectives, such as better.
Superlative degree ( -est, most ); irregular forms of those ‘irregular’ ajectives such as best.

1-Equality as ………….as
2-Inequality: not so… as; comparative + than; superlative

1- derivation with –ly
2- Non-derived adverbs, eg soon, fast: see the vocabulary list.

See under Adjectives

Definite article: the
Indefinite article: a (n)
Absence of definite article in cases such as to go to school, in summer, to have dinner

Pronouns( including pronominal adjectives)
1- personal: subject forms and object forms
2- possessive
2.1 adjectives: my, your, their, etc
2.2 pronouns: mine, yours, theirs, etc; used as complement, used as subject
3- demonstrative
3.1 adjectives: this, that, these, those, such
3.2 pronouns: this, that, these, those
4- interrogative
4.1 adjectives: whose, what, which
4.2 pronouns: who, whom, whose, what, which

5- relative: who, whose, whom, which, that
6- definite: someone, somebody, no-one, not … anyone, nobody, everybody, something, nothing, everything, all (as in: They all went home; and in: I want all of it ) some (as in Some of them went home ), any ( as in Have you got any money? I haven’t any money ), it ( as in: It is raining )
7- emphatic: myself, yourself, etc. (example: I’ve done it myself)
8- prop-word: one ( example : I like the red one better)

1- Cardinal: up to four digits, up to nine digits
2- Ordinal : up to two digits(first to 99th)
Also : half, quarter
Word order
Basic pattern:
Subject-predicate complement(s)
Derived patterns:
Yes/no question pattern
Wh-question pattern
Negative sentence pattern with not
Passive voice pattern
Imperative pattern
Indirect object replacement by to-adjunct
Position of adverbials : initial position, final position, after auxiliaries
Word formation
Adverb-derivation with –ly

Compounds and derivatives
2.2.3. Competency in vocabulary Has a reasonable stock of passive vocabulary required tounderstand a written or heared a text on common topics.
Has a reasonable stock of active vocabulary required to express himself in speaking and writing in topics beyond basic survival needs such as history and leisure time activities.


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة cool2011 ; 04-10-2011 الساعة 05:41 AM.
cool2011 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 04-10-2011, 08:38 PM   #13



الصورة الرمزية e.academic

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2011
التخصص: English literature
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 114
افتراضي رد: هل بالامكان التقديم على التعيين بعد الترم الاول ؟؟

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e.academic غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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