

العودة   منتديات سكاو > الكليات الجامعية > منتدى كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية > قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها
التسجيل مشاركات اليوم البحث

نحتاج حل الأسئلة (مقدمة في الترجمة)

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 28-05-2013, 03:38 AM
الصورة الرمزية alharbi1413

alharbi1413 alharbi1413 غير متواجد حالياً

أبو فارس

تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2008
التخصص: اداب
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 68 (14) نحتاج حل الأسئلة (مقدمة في الترجمة)

42. As the grammar is respected __________ is always involves grammatical transposition or grammatical transplantation.
 Exegetic translation.
 Inter linear translation .
 Literal translation .

43. If the intended meaning is __________ it is correct translation.
 Exegetic translation.
 Connotative meaning.
 The literal or denotative meaning.

44. If the intended meaning is __________ it is incorrect translation .
 Connotative meaning.
 Inter linear translation .
 The literal or denotative meaning.

45. __________ : can be regarded as the practical extreme of SL bias And it considered to be the most practical SL bias.
 Literal translation .
 Exegetic translation.
 Inter linear translation .

46 . __________ : it is the opposite extreme where there is a maximum TL bias .
 Exegetic translation.
 Semantic repetition.
 Free translation .

47. In free translation what we do is to__________ the meaning in the TL .
 Connotative meaning.
 Paraphrasing
 Denotative meaning.

48 . In __________ : the grammar is completely different .
 Semantic repetition.
 Free translation .
 Exegetic translation.

49. __________ : when we want to translate expression by expression , proverb by proverb , idiom by idiom .
 Communicative translation.
 Inter linear translation .
 Literal translation .

50. __________ : is based on paraphrasing.
 Free translation.
 Semantic repetition.
 Exegetic translation.

51. __________ : is more idiomatic and its concerned with translating idiomatic expression and proverb.
 Inter linear translation .
 Communicative translation
 Literal translation .

52. __________ : is the one respect the ST massage content but prioritizing TL naturalness over faithfulness to ST detail.
 Idiomatic or idimizing translation .
 Communicative translation.
 Literal translation .

53. __________ : the method prefers to TL naturalness over ST detail.
 Communicative translation.
 Idiomatic or idimizing translation .
 Literal translation .

54. __________ : denote the relationship between ST feature and TT feature that are seen as directly corresponding to one another regardless of the quality of the TT.
 Preive.
 Deive.
 Literal translation .

55. __________ : denote the relationship between an SL expression and the canonic TL rendering of it as required.
 Preive.
 Deive.
 Literal translation .

56. __________ : is based on the principle of equivalence effect .
 Communicative.
 Intralingual.
 Dynamic .

57. __________ : can be said an example of dynamic equivalence .
 A communicative translation .
 Idimizing translation .
 Dynamic equivalence .

58. __________ : is the incomplete replication of the ST in the TT .
 A communicative translation .
 Translation loss .
 Dynamic equivalence .

59. __________ : the ST in incompletely rendered into the TL .
 A communicative translation .
 Translation loss .
 Dynamic equivalence .

60. __________ : is the one who tries to make translation loss is the most insignificant element in translation .And the element will not effect the meaning.
 A communicative translation .
 Translation loss .
 The skilful translator .

61. __________ : is the obvious form of translation loss is when same thing which occurs in ST is simply omitted in TT.
 A communicative translation .
 Translation loss .
 Translation by omission .

62. __________ : if the translator result to this strategy in order to avoid over deion . and this information is not important and will not effect the structure of TT .
 Negative .
 Positive .
 Opposite .

63. __________ : if the translator has committed because he did not find equivalence in the TT can stand of the equivalence in ST.
 Negative .
 Positive .
 Opposite .

64. __________ : opposite of translation by omission , It can be translation strategy .

 Translation by addition.
 Translation loss .
 Translation by omission.

65. __________ : is added to the TT does not exist in the ST .
 Translation loss .
 Translation by addition.
 Translation by omission.

66. __________ : when the TL which control the TT require extra explanation or extra element in order to sound right to target reader.
 Cultural factors .
 Linguistic addition.
 Translation by omission.

67. __________ : are take long time and hug energy to be existent in order to achievement .
 Cultural factors .
 The comprehensibility .
 Translation by omission.

68. When there is a __________ that cause a translation by omission .
 Loss of cultural .
 Loss of economic .
 Loss of semantic.

69. Translation by omission use in __________ .
 Both translation .
 Communicative translation .
 Literature translation .

70. __________ : is trying to make TT read natural to target reader by imposing element specific to the culture of TL instead of the element specific to the culture of SL .
 Cultural factors .
 Naturalizing .
 Translation by omission.

71. __________ : the extreme options in signaling cultural foreigness in a TT .
 Cultural factors .
 Naturalizing .
 Exoticism .

72. __________ : is a partial exoticism And is an expression that consists of TL words and respect TL syntax.
 Calque .
 Naturalizing .
 Exoticism .

73. __________ : is not considered a translation actually rather it is considered an adaptation.
 Cultural factors.
 Naturalizing .
 Cuttulat transplantation .

74. __________ : is a technique of reducing translation lose .
 Cultural factors.
 Compensation .
 Cuttulat transplantation .

75. __________ : Translation respects the grammar and structure of S L .
 Literal translation .
 Free translation .
 Interlinear translation .

76. Each translation will involve __________ :
 Gist translation.
 Translation by omission .
 Translation loss.

77. In communicative translation we have to use __________ .
 Deive equivalence .
 Preive equivalence .
 Formal .

78. Translation by is take place when TT is longer than ST :
 Translation by omission .
 Translation by addition .
 Literal translation .

79. The translator has to translation loss .
 Get off .
 Overcome .
 Reduce .

80. Source Text use an__________ expression stand for that situation.
 SL .
 TL .
 ST .

80. Target Text use an__________ expression stand for that situation.
 SL .
 TL .
 ST .

81. Target Text use an__________ expression stand for that situation.
 SL .
 TL .
 ST .

82. __________ a style of translation in which the TT provides a literal rendering for each successive meaningful unit of the ST (including affixes) and arranges these units in the order of their occurrence in the ST, regardless of the conventional grammatical order of units in the TL.
 Interlinear translation.
 Communicative translation.
 Free translation.

83. __________ an SL-oriented, word-for-word, style of translation in which the denotative meaning of all words in the ST is taken as if straight from the dictionary, but the conventions of TL grammar are respected.
 Interlinear translation.
 Literal translation.
 Free translation.

84. __________ : a style of translation in which the TT expresses and comments on additional details that are not explicitly conveyed in the ST.
 Exegetic translation.
 Intralingual translation .
 Gist translation.

85. __________ : a style of translation in which the TT expresses only the gist of the ST.
 Exegetic translation.
 Intralingual translation .
 Gist translation.

86. __________ : the re-expression of a message conveyed in a particular form of words in a given language by means of another form of words in the same language.
 Exegetic translation.
 Intralingual translation .
 Gist translation.

87. __________ a mode of free translation whereby ST expressions are replaced with their contextually situationally appropriate cultural equivalents in the TL.
 Exegetic translation.
 Communicative translation.
 Free translation.

88. __________ a style of translation in which there is only a global correspondence between units of the ST and units of the TT .
 Exegetic translation.
 Communicative translation.
 Free translation.

89. __________ taking over an SL expression verbatim from the ST into the TT .
 Cultural transplantation .
 Cultural transposition .
 Cultural borrowing .

90. __________ involving the wholesale deletion of source-culture details mentioned in the ST and their replacement with target-culture details in the TT.
 Cultural transplantation .
 Cultural transposition .
 Cultural borrowing .

91. __________ any departure from literal translation that involves replacing SL-specific features with TL-specific features, thereby to some extent reducing the foreignness of the TT.
 Cultural transplantation .
 Cultural transposition .
 Cultural borrowing .

92. __________ any departure from literal translation that involves replacing SL-specific features with TL-specific features, thereby to some extent reducing the foreignness of the TT.
 Cultural transplantation .
 Cultural transposition .
 Cultural borrowing .

93. __________ the lowest degree of cultural transposition, importing linguistic and cultural features wholesale from the ST into the TT with minimal adaptation; exoticism generally involves multiple calques. NB Exoticism is different from cultural borrowing, which does not adapt ST material into the TL, but quotes it verbatim.
 Cultural transplantation .
 Exoticism .
 Cultural borrowing .

94. __________ the use of TL spelling conventions for the written representation of SL expressions.
 Transliteration.
 Exoticism .
 Free translation.

95. __________ that involves dividing up a feature carried in a relatively shorter stretch of the ST and spreading it over a relatively longer stretch of the TT; an ad hoc choice, not a grammatical constraint.
 Compensation kind .
 Compensation place .
 Compensation splitting .

96. __________ that involves using a different kind of textual effect in the TT from the one used in the cor - responding part of the ST .
 Compensation kind .
 Compensation splitting.
 Compensation place.

97. __________ which involves a TT textual effect occurring at a different place, relative to the other features in the IT context, from the corresponding textual effect in the ST context; an ad hoc choice, not a grammatical constraint .
 Compensation splitting.
 Compensation place .
 Compensation kind.

98. __________ the conventional range of referential meaning attributed to a linguistic expression .
 Denotative meaning .
 Exegetic translation.
 Connotative meaning.

99. __________ rendering an ST expression by a TL hyperonym .
 Literal translation .
 Generalizing translation .
 Interlinear translation .

100. __________ a linguistic expression whose denotative meaning includes, but is wider and less specific than, the range of denotative meaning of another expression.
 Literal translation .
 Generalizing translation .
 Hyperonymy or superordinate .

101. __________ the semantic relationship between a hyperonym and a hyponym; a lesser degree of semantic equivalence than synonymy .
 Hyperonym .
 Hyponym .
 Hyperonymy or superordinate .

102. __________ a linguistic expression whose denotative meaning is included in, but is narrower and more specific than, the range of denotative meaning of another expression.
 Hyperonym .
 Hyponym .
 Hyperonymy or superordinate .

103. __________ a fixed expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the denotative meanings of the words that constitute it .
 Parallelism .
 Hyponym .
 Idiom .

104. __________ expression is one that is unremarkable, 'natural' , 'normal ' completely acceptable in a given language.
 Parallelism .
 Idiomatic .
 Partially overlapping .

105. __________ a relatively free translation which respects the ST message content, but typically uses TL idioms or phonic and rhythmic patterns to give an easy read, even if this means sacrificing some semantic details or nuances of tone.
 Parallelism .
 Idiomatizing translation .
 Partially overlapping .

106 . __________ translating from one semiotic system .
 Parallelism .
 Idiomatizing translation .
 Inter- semiotic translation .

107. __________ the use in close proximity of two or more words or phrases which bear a semantic relationship to one another, such as synonymy ,hyperonymy-hyponymy, or membership of the same semantic field .
 Parallelism .
 Idiomatizing translation .
 Inter- semiotic translation .

108. __________ rendering an ST expression by a TL expression whose range of denotative meanings overlaps only partially with that of the ST expression.
 Parallelism .
 Idiomatizing translation .
 Particularizing translation .

109. __________ relaying both elements of an ST phrase involving synonyms or near-synonyms by different words in the TL .
 Semantic field .
 Semantic distancing .
 Semantic repetition .

110. __________ an area of meaning which is recognized as being fairly discrete .
 Semantic field .
 Semantic distancing .
 Semantic repetition .

111. __________ the repetition of synonyms or near-synonyms in close proximity. Semantic repetition is used in Arabic for emphasis and other purposes.
 Semantic field .
 Semantic distancing .
 Semantic repetition .

112. __________ the repetition of synonyms or near-synonyms in close proximity. Semantic repetition is used in Arabic for emphasis and other purposes.
 Semantic field .
 Semantic distancing .
 Semantic repetition .

113. __________ : the language in which the ST is expressed .
 Target language .
 Source language .
 Source text .

114. __________ : a linguistic expression that has exactly the same range of denotative meaning as one of more other linguistic expressions.
 Synonymy .
 Source language .
 Synonym .

115. __________ : a linguistic expression that has exactly the same range of denotative meaning as one of more other linguistic expressions.
 Target language .
 Source language .
 Synonym .

116. __________ : the semantic relationship between synonyms; synonymy is the highest degree of semantic equivalence .
 Synonymy .
 Source language .
 Target text .

117. __________ : all the demonstrable features contained in a text, and which could (in another text) have been different .
 Text .
 Textual variables .
 Target text .


توقيع alharbi1413  


رد مع اقتباس


منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 28-05-2013, 12:25 PM   #2

غروب ج


الصورة الرمزية غروب ج

تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
التخصص: انجلش
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 554
افتراضي رد: نحتاج حل الأسئلة (مقدمة في الترجمة)

مجهود رائع وفقك الله


توقيع غروب ج  


يارب...اعوذ بك من الهم والحزن ..واعوذ بك من البخل والجبن واعوذ بك من العجز والكسل ...واعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال...


غروب ج غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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