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ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:43 PM   #21



الصورة الرمزية ذكريات410

تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
التخصص: لغات اوربيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الرابع
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 268
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

وهذا الصداقة

My essay ( Friendship)
Friendship is a very specail relationship bettwen two people or more. that's why you need some time a pawer to understand them . I agree that friendship require time and energy .I think that friendship contains love, faith and onesty, and for that you need to spend time to know tha other side very qiut, so friendship require time and energy for two reson.First reason is that some frinds are friend for life second is that people cannot live alone.
The first reason why friendship worth time and energy is that some frinds are friend for life .According to the reading, some of your friends are friends for life .Because when you meet them and spend time with them and share every thing with them you will become too close with them also you will new every thing about them so you will understand them more and you will know what they love and what they hate .also, your relationship with them will become more better , he will share his secret with you and will tell you what he feel, and he will be more comfortable to talke with you .
The other reason why friendship worth both time and energy is that people cannot live alone.
Every People this time need other people to live with them . For example, we need freinds to talk with us when we need to them ,and help us when we are in trable they give us their hand when we are in deep .also, they help us when we try to find a job.According to the Law of attraction, the more similar our attitude, the more we are attracted (listening). People need some body neer of them they can not live a lone .
In conclusion, friendship requires time and energy because some frinds are friend for life and people cannot live alone.So people have to make a good relationship with thier friends and try to understand them more .


ذكريات410 غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:45 PM   #22


الصورة الرمزية SARO0O

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 632
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

والله ياذكريات مدري احتمال يكون عن الطلاق لانها مشكله ممكن الواحد يكتب كثييير فيها

واحتمال تجيب عن الفريند من باب انها تسهل لنا

توقعاتكم ياصبايا

سرو ...


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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:46 PM   #23


الصورة الرمزية SARO0O

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 632
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

وهذا عن الطلاق

The Causes and Effects of Divorce

From the past to present, people all over the world have determined to live together, which is called “get marriage” in another word, so that they depend on for living each other. Nevertheless, some couples are unable to maintain their relationship; therefore they choose divorce, which is one of the solutions to cope with problems between husband and wife. Furthermore, most people think carefully before they get marriage. However, the divorce rates trend to continually increase nowadays, thus it might be argued that divorces can be taken place easier than the past. There are three main causes of divorce: changing woman’s roles, stress in modern living and lack of communication, which are highlighted below.
The first significant cause of recent rise in the rates of divorce is that women completely change in roles. In the past, men have to earn whole money to afford the expense of family, whereas woman only do housework, hence women have no money leading to depend on husbands’ money. Because of these situations, it is too difficult for most women to separate from their husbands. Nonetheless, these situations entirely change nowadays. The equality between men and women in roles are very clear at the moment, thus women can work outside to earn money, while men share the household tasks such as ng, cleaning, washing as well as caring for children. It can be clearly seen that women are independent from money as they can earn money by themselves to support their living cost. Accordingly, the divorce rates recently rise.
Another cause to confirm the recent increase in divorce rates is stress in modern living. Many people, who live in globalization, have considerable pressures to earn money. It can be obviously seen that the stress has occurred since they are children. For instance, in Thailand, students generally want to go to famous school so that they take advantage to go to well-known universities. Studying in celebrated universities mostly causes having a good opportunity to find a job or earn a lot of money. This circumstance not only happens in Thailand, but also occurs in many countries. Some people are laid off from their companies; consequently the stress occurs in their family, which leads to divorce. Some families can earn money, but inadequate for covering their expenses, therefore it is easy to think about divorce. Nevertheless, the rates of unemployment trend to continually increase as a result the divorce rates can also rise. It is no doubt that the stress in modern living may lead to recently increasing divorce rates.
The final cause of recently increasing divorce is lack of communication. Owing to financial status in each family, many people are fairly busy. For this reason, they have inadequate time to talk to the problems with their partners, which produces the likelihood of divorce. Some couples are often quiet when they have problems each other, as a consequence little problems can be expanded to probably become huge problems, resulting in divorce. It is quite clear that the more communications are used, the more divorce rates are reduced.
Although, these three cause of the recent rise in divorce rates are expressed above, there are also two effects of the recent increase of divorce rates: negative effects and positive effects
Firstly, the effects of recent enlargement in divorce rates are negative effects. Most couples normally have children when they get marriage. Accordingly, divorces can directly effect on children. Children living in single parent families are more probably to get pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have aggressively emotional and behavioral problems, which lead to social problems. Some children decide to go out of their home when their parents separate each other, and subsequently they become homeless children. They do not have good opportunities to find a job due to shortage of education. Consequently, crime may likely be the end result. These are significantly negative effects of recent expansion in divorce rates.
Secondly, on the other hand, another effects of rise in divorce rates are positive effects. People, who divorce by consent from their partners, want to have better quality of life, since they are unhappy with their spouses. Accordingly, they can work efficiently, which results from fine mental condition. They not only have more free time to do many things, but also free from their spouses’ murmurs. In addition, divorces also get rid of the violence of quarrel between husband and wife, hence everybody in family get better in physical and mental healthy, particularly for children. These are the advantageous effects of increasing divorce rates.
In conclusion, a family is one of the important parts of society, thus many people had better aware of the significance of relationship in family. At the moment, divorce have become the substantial problem because of changing women’s roles, stress in modern living and lack of communication. Nevertheless, there are also the two different ways in effects, which are negative and positive effects. Some couples, which have no children, divorce by consent, therefore divorce should be good solution for couples to deal with this problem. On the other hand, some couples having children in their family should think deliberatively before they end their marriage in divorce; otherwise innocent children probably become victims for this situation. Although people trend to think carefully before they get marriage, the rates of divorce continuously rise nowadays.

سرو ...


SARO0O غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:46 PM   #24



الصورة الرمزية ذكريات410

تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
التخصص: لغات اوربيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الرابع
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 268
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

هذا برضوا عن الصداقة

My best friend

Probably my best friend is one of my schoolmates. Her name is ..... and we have known each other since we were ...... years old. If I were to describe how she looks, I would say she is very pretty. She has short brown hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, a small nose and a small pointed chin. She is not very tall but not short either and she is quite slim. She doesn't like to dress up so I usually see her wearing jeans and a T-shirt or sweater.

It seems like she and I are always talking or laughing about something. She has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humor, but she can also get a little depressed from time to time. I can always count on her to be honest and to give me the best advice.

We are interested in many of the same hobbies. We both enjoy music, playing the guitar and singing. We like going to the cinema but sometimes can't agree on which movie to see. Sometimes we just walk around, trying to find a new area of the city to explore. We both like traveling, reading, and swimming. Sometimes during the summer, I go with her and her family to their summer house which is located next to a large lake. We usually spend most of the day swimming or exploring the area but sometimes we take a small row boat and go fishing. In the evenings, we might walk into town and see a movie or stay at home and watch television. Whatever we're doing, it's always fun to be with her.

I know I can rely on her. Even when our lives get busy, we still make time to see each other. I can't imagine going to school and not having her there. Since I am better in math and science and she is better in English and languages, we can always help each other if we get confused about a difficult homework and assignments. We are lucky that we complement each other so well, and that we get along so well. I hope that our friendship will continue and be just as strong after we graduate from high school. We would like to study at the same university


ذكريات410 غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:48 PM   #25


سبحان الله وبحمده

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
التخصص: English language
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثالث
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,939
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

العمل الجماعي بالأعمال التجاريه يفيد ببعض الأفكار يعني حرفي فيها حسب حاجتك
What are the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork in business?

Some advantages:
- echange d'idees, brainstorm - Exchange of ideas, brainstorm
- repartition des taches en fonction des competences - Distribution of tasks based on skills
- + facile de demander de l'aide aux autres - + Easy to ask others for help
- effet de groupe: l'efficacite du goupe est superieure a la somme des efficacites individuelles - Group effect: the effectiveness of goupe is greater than the sum of the individual effectiveness
- effet de motivation: on est obliger de donner le meilleur de soi pour les autres - Effect of motivation: one is obliged to give the best of ourselves to others

Quelques inconvénients: Some disadvantages:
- se plier a la discipline du groupe - Comply with the discipline of the group
- efforts pour communiquer et attention aux quiproquos - Efforts to communicate and pay attention to misunderstandings
- devoir gerer son temps en fonction des autres - Having to manage his time depending on other
- etre patient et ne pas critiquer les autres mais plutot les aider et accepter d'etre juge/conseille sur son propre travail - Be patient and do not criticize others but rather help them and agree to be tried / advises on its own work
- parfois difficile de plannifier un travail d'equipe - Sometimes difficult to Planning a teamwork

en conclusion: tout dépend de l'équipe et du travail a faire. In conclusion: it depends on the team and work to do. Personnellement je pense que c'est très bien et motivant de travailler en équipe. Personally I think it's very good and motivating a team.

*Partage du savoir (compétences complémentaires), * Sharing knowledge (complementary skills)
*Partage de la charge de travail (méthode de travail) * Sharing the workload (work method)
*Objectifs commun (responsabilité mutuelle) * Objectives common (mutual accountability)
*Organisation collective (accroit la communication des membres de l'équipe) * Collective Organization (increases the communication of team members)
*Une équipe bien organisée accroit le rendement sans plus d'effort (2+2=5) * A well organized team increases performance without additional effort (2 +2 = 5)
*Stimule la créativité * Stimulates creativity
*Sentiment d'appartenance * Sense of belonging

Inconvenients Disadvantages
* Prise de décisions parfois plus difficile (consensus souvent indispensable afin de garder une attitude positive de tous les membres) * Decision-making may be more difficult (consensus often required to keep a positive attitude of all members)
* Inconvénients pour les individus qui ne souhaitent pas s'impliquer ou individualistes au sein de l'équipe * Disadvantages for individuals who do not want to get involved or individualistic team
* Inégalité des contributions * Unequal contributions
* Limitation de l'autonomie individuelle * Limitation of individual autonomy
* Chef d'équipe peu efficace: le rendement de l'équipe toute entière s'en ressent * Team Leader inefficient: the performance of the entire team suffers

Disons que globalement il ya plus d'avantages que d'inconvénients Say that overall there are more advantages than disadvantages

Dans une équipe, les points forts des uns compensent les faiblesses des autres et favorisent l'entraide entre les membres In a team, the strengths outweigh the weaknesses of each other and promote mutual assistance among members


توقيع my-nana  



my-nana غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:49 PM   #26



الصورة الرمزية ذكريات410

تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
التخصص: لغات اوربيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الرابع
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 268
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

شو رايكم ياحلوين ..

تتوقعوا عن مكان قضينا قيه عطلة

او السياحة مثلا...


ذكريات410 غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:53 PM   #27


الصورة الرمزية SARO0O

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 632
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

ممكن ليش لا

كل شي متوقع

وسوبر سرو جاهزه ههههه

A Place to Visit.

A tourist to Saudi Arabia should not miss a visit to Makkah. When you visit Makkah perhaps the first thing that you notice is the hotels and buildings that surround the Holy Mosque. A short walk from your hotel can take you to many small shops that are overflowing with clothes and materials. Also, you can enjoy eating food at the restaurants that are full of delicious foreign smell of fresh exotic food.
After enjoying these sights, visitors can spend the rest of the day performing Omrah. When you enter the Holy Mosque, you can actually hear the people that surround you pray. Not to mention, the amount of foreign people you see from all over the world that come to pray and perform Hajj or Omrah. As you come further, you can see a big cube covered in black, heavy, expensive satiny fabric that is embroidered with gold verses of the Holy Qura'an. As you walk through the crowd, you can see the huge footsteps of the Prophet Ibrahim. When you get tired from walking, there is a lot of refreshing, cool, pure water from all different areas in the Holy Mosque. This fresh water is called Zamzam. When you are in the Holy Mosque, you should not miss the scene of the dark blue sky fill with millions of bright shining stars among it. You can almost smell and feel the fragrance of the fresh air running through you. The beautiful scenery is just unforgettable. That is why Makkah is the number one tourist attraction in Saudi Arabia.

سرو ...


SARO0O غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 05:59 PM   #28


سبحان الله وبحمده

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
التخصص: English language
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثالث
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,939
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

عن العمل التطوعي واهميته >>ممكن يجي
Why Do People Volunteer?
People volunteer for a number of different reasons, ranging from a desire to learn new skills, have fun or make a difference. Some are completely devoted to the cause, while others simply wish to do their bit where they can. In actual fact, many of the reasons for volunteering abroad are the same as those for volunteering at home but here there is the added bonus of getting to travel. However volunteering abroad is a much more meaningful experience, taking you further out of your comfort zone and offering far greater

The Personal Benefits of Volunteer Work
Have you ever felt the desire to help your community, but wondered how you would would find the time for others? While altruism is arguably the best motivator for enlisting with a charitable organization, there are many tangible personal advantages to giving your time for nonprofit work. Whether you are a student, a working professional or a stay-at-home mom, volunteering is an excellent way to gain work experience and broaden your social network
Professional Benefits
For one, volunteer work will flesh out your resume and set you apart from the crowd. Past charity work says a lot about your character, giving you a multi-dimensional personality and highlighting your good nature. Even more importantly, volunteer positions show future employers your drive and dedication. Such accomplishments demonstrate initiative, personal will, leadership skills and the ability to work hard.

Another motivation for volunteering is to broaden your horizons and develop new skills that could be beneficial to your career. You may discover interests you were unaware of, learn more about a subject that appeals to you, or even choose a new career path!


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة my-nana ; 21-01-2011 الساعة 06:05 PM.
my-nana غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 06:08 PM   #29


سبحان الله وبحمده

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
التخصص: English language
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثالث
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,939
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

مقال عن خططك بالعطله *_*

main holiday in summer, and although some people choose a last-minute break, others plan their holiday months in advance.
The beginning of the year is a good time for people to start looking at holiday brochures. Tour operators (companies that organise holidays) as well as travel agents (the people that sell holidays) give lots of information about holiday destinations and types of holiday. Apart from the traditional two-week beach holiday, you can choose from a range of holidays: a cruise (holiday on a ship), an activity holiday (a holiday that involves walking, cycling, climbing or other sports), a city break (a weekend or a few days in a different city) and so on. A lot of people choose a package holiday, where flights and accommodation are included in the price. But many people prefer an independent holiday, where they make their own travel arrangements.
If you travel independently, you will need to book your flights or train tickets. Unless you have an onward destination, you will probably book a return journey. Then you will need to make a reservation at a hotel, or another place to stay, such as a campsite (if you are camping in a tent), or a caravan site (if you are staying in a caravan), or a B&B (a bed and breakfast).
For all types of foreign holidays, it is essential that you check you have all your travel documents. Make sure your passport hasn’t expired, and that you have a visa if necessary. If you are travelling to some countries, you also need to make sure that all your vaccinations (protection against illness) are up to date. For some countries you might need a vaccination against hepatitis, or yellow fever, for example.
As your departure date gets nearer, you can start to plan the details of your journey. Perhaps it will be a good idea to buy a guide book, or a phrase book, if you don't speak much of the local language. Some people like to read up on (= get lots of background information) on where they are going, and find out about the places of interest and "must-see" sights. It's also fun to make a packing list, so you don't forget any vital clothes or toiletries.
It's also a good idea to buy local currency in advance, if your flight gets in (= arrives) in the middle of the night, when no banks are open. Most airlines also advise you to take out (=get) travel insurance just in case your flight is delayed or cancelled, or if you get ill and need to be repatriated (sent back to your country).
Don't forget to make arrangements for your pets and your house while you're away. Put your dog into kennels (a dog hotel), and leave a key with your neighbour just in case! Hopefully your neighbour will keep an eye on your house while you're on holiday! Finally, get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Nowadays it can take much longer to get through security and onto the plane. Have a nice trip and send your neighbour a postcard


my-nana غير متواجد حالياً  

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 06:27 PM   #30


سبحان الله وبحمده

تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
التخصص: English language
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثالث
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,939
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

بنات لقيت شرح للأوت لاين بالصور للي لسى مافهمت


my-nana غير متواجد حالياً  

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