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تعالو صبايا اخر تجمع للرايتنق 2 والاكيد ان كل شي عن الاختبار موجود حيااااكم ...

قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-06-2011, 06:00 AM
الصورة الرمزية SARO0O

SARO0O SARO0O غير متواجد حالياً

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 632
افتراضي تعالو صبايا اخر تجمع للرايتنق 2 والاكيد ان كل شي عن الاختبار موجود حيااااكم ...

صباااح الورد على العسلات

اخر تجمع واخر اختبار

عقبال لما نجتمع عند اعلان النتايج كل وحدة فرحانه وتبشر الثانيه بااحلى الدرجات

مبروووك مقدما للكل ويارب محد يحمل اي مادة الله يوفقنا واياكم الله يسهل كل شي

بسم الله نبدأ

انا بقتبس كم رد على كم موضوع وبضيف اشياء بس يابنات انا محتاجه هالمرة تعاون وتفاعل

الله يسهل علينا


الاختبار الكل عارف انو على جزئين

جزء مقال

عندنا المقال الاقناعي

والمقال الجدلي
اول شي تفضلو اطلعو على هذا الرابط واحد من الاخوة كاتبه

اللي هو تركيبه المقال الجدلي

بس حتى تفهمو اكثر ويرسخ في الذهن لازم لنا نموذج نمشي عليه عشان نمشي خطوة خطوة

هذي نموذجين واحد لقيته في موقع والثاني في الهاند اوت

There has been a controversy between animal rights supporters and scientists about whether it is right to use animals in experimental research. Also, it is very debatable whether using animals for such research results in finding a cure for diseases. From my point of view, if there are no other alternatives, and if it is possible that this will contribute to science, animals may be used for experimental research.

Although the animal rights activists claim that people and animals are equal and thus they should be treated equally, I think that people and animals cannot be seen equal, and therefore the death of an animal cannot be the same thing as the death of a person. For that reason, causing animals to die for science, for the sake of saving human lives, may be considered ethical to some extent if it will contribute to the advancement of science and will be to the benefit of humanity in general.

Furthermore, animal rights supporters label scientists as ‘cruel’ for causing animals to die in medical experiments, while they do not oppose the people, mostly farmers, who kill animals for food, even though they know that 99% of animals deaths is caused by farmers while only a small percentage, i.e. 1% is caused by scientists. The underlying reason for that is they find scientists easier to attack and cannot deal with farmers who are organized and strong.

Another basic argument of animal rights defenders is that people and animals are different genetically and therefore it is useless to use animals in experiments to see the effects of some substances on people. They claim that it will make no good to use animals in experiments because they are too different to be compared to people. Some of them even assert that it is better to use people directly as they think that the results of experiments on animals cannot be valid and reliable as long as the same observation has not been done on man also. However, these people cannot foresee the disastrous results of such a practice. Many people are likely to die until a healthy result is obtained.

People and animals may not be the same, but to some degree there are similarities which can at least give scientists an idea about their experiments. From this point of view, scientists are right to use animal models to provide themselves with information about what is happening at level of detail that could not be achieved in humans. Although there might have been some incidents when animal testing did not prove to be useful and some effects of some drugs observed on animals could not be observed on people, there are also a lot of examples that show that using animals resulted in significant developments and helped to cure some serious illnesses.

On the other hand, there may be alternative methods that should be used instead of animal experimentation. Then, of course, it is cruel and unethical to use animals. For example, in some experiments in-vitro methods can be used as an alternative to using live animals. In such occasions, it is certainly much better and right to employ these alternatives.

All in all, it can be said that using animals for medical research is ethical a long as it contributes to scientific development and helps scientists find ways to improve human health. And this practice is only acceptable on the condition that necessary pains are taken and animals are treated humanely

وهذا في الهاندز

The School Uniform Question
Individualism is a fundamental value in the United States. All Americans believe in the right to express their own opinion without fear of punishment. This value, however, is coming under fire in an unlikely place- the public school classroom. The issue is school uniforms. Should public school students be allowed to make individual decisions about clothing, or should all students be required to wear a uniform? In my opinion, I believe that school uniforms are the best choice for two reasons.
For one thing, wearing school uniforms would help make students’ lives simpler. They would no longer have to decide what to wear every morning. Trying on outfit after outfit in an effort to choose can be very tiring. If this action was timed, it would probably take a person at least twenty minutes to try on just two outfits. A person could use this time for more important things such as reviewing the contents of a new chapter or going over important revision questions. Moreover, uniforms would not only save time, but they would also eliminate the stress often associated with this chore. It is a well known fact that people do not only have one piece of clothing in their closets. They have many things to choose from; ranging from T-shirts to shoes. Therefore, imagine every morning having to decide on a specific combination of items to put together to wear that is different from the one that was worn the day before. It is a very stressful activity for any normal human being.

Another thing, school uniforms influence students to act responsibly in groups and as individuals. Uniforms can create a feeling of unity among students. For example, when students do something as a group, such as attend meetings in the auditorium or eat lunch in the cafeteria, the fact that they all wear the same uniform would create a sense of community. This togetherness felt by students can increase their pride of belonging to their educational institution which in turn can lead to a school that is united. Even more important, statistics show the positive effects that school uniforms have on violence and truancy. According to a recent survey in Hillsborough County, Florida, incidents of school violence dropped by fifty percent, attendance and test scores improved, and student suspensions declined approximately thirty percent after school uniforms were introduced. This evidence clearly proves proof that uniforms are better.
Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that students who wear school uniforms cannot express their individuality. This point has some merit on the surface. However, as stated previously, school is a place to learn, not to flaunt wealth and fashion. Society must decide if individual expression through clothing is more valuable than improved educational performance. It is important to remember that school uniforms would be worn only during school hours. Students can express their individuality in the way they dress outside of the classroom.
In conclusion, there are many benefits to implementing mandatory school uniforms for students; documented and observed benefits. I believe that students will learn better and act more responsibly when they wear uniforms. It is in my opinion that public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a whole.

اوكي اما المقال الاقناعي ف لسى جاري البحث عنه بس لان كثرة الاسئلة عن نماذج الجدلي خلتني ابدأ الموضوع قبل ماابحث عن الاقناعي
طيب نتابع
الجزء الثاني من الاختبار
السومري : بكلماتك بس تصغري القطعه
البرافرايز : بكلماتك وطريقتك وبنفس الحجم لاتصغري ولا تكبري
اما التوثيق فهذا اقتباس من كلام ملوكا بس طبعا انا رصيتهم كذا
بس في المرفق حأحط الملف تبعها الله يجزاها خير علشان تفهموا كثر بالامثلة
mla :
في هذه الطريقة نكتب اسم الكاتب + رقم الصفحات
Apa :
الطريقة الثانية نكتب فيها : اسم الكاتب + سنة النشر
في السومري
الطريقة الاولى ( mla , apa)) زي بعض
اما اننا نكتب كل الموجود سنة النشر + اسم الكتاب + اسم الكاتب + فعل + باقي الملخص
كل المعلومات مع بعض .
الطريقة الثانيه
اذا كان جزء من التوثيق
الكاتب + فعل + الملخص + اخر شي رقم الصفحة بين قوسين .
الكاتب + سنة النشر بين قوسين + فعل + اخر شي الملخص
الطريقة الثالثه
في الاقتباسات الطويلة ( عشان مانكرر اسم الكاتب كل شوي )
اسم الكاتب ورقم الصفحة بين قوسين اخر الملخص .

اسم الكاتب وسنة النشر وبينهم فاصلة وبين قوسين اخر الملخص .
وبس ياحلوين كذا خلصنا ان شاء الله مااكون غفلت عن شي
ولي عودة مع الاقناعي
بعد قليل

موفقين واتمنى من قلبي القى تفااااااعل كبير
الله يسهل علينا كل شي

سرو ...
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc شرح طرق التوثيق.doc‏ (27.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 45)
نصائح مهمة : 1 - إفحص الملف المرفق بأي برنامج مضاد للفيروسات
2 - قم بمراسلة الإدارة عن أي مرفق يوجد به فيروس
3 - المنتدى غير مسوؤل عن مايحتويه المرفق من بيانات


توقيع SARO0O  

سرو ...


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة SARO0O ; 14-06-2011 الساعة 06:05 AM.
رد مع اقتباس



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