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تمريض المسنين Geriatric Nursing

منتدى كلية التمريض

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قديم 22-12-2011, 01:18 PM

سلطان حكمي سلطان حكمي غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2011
الكلية: كلية الاقتصاد والادارة
نوع الدراسة: إنتظام
المستوى: متخرج
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 2,572
افتراضي تمريض المسنين Geriatric Nursing

Geriatric Nursing


Is concerned with the assessment of nursing needs of older people, planning and implementing nursing care to meet these needs and evaluating the effectiveness of such care to achieve and maintain a level of wellness consistent with the limitation imposed by the aging process.

Community services available for the elderly:

1- Home health services:
Many elderly persons require both daily care from a home health care professional and supportive assistance from health aids. This care is provided by a professional nurse and a home health aid.
2- Alternatives to institutions:
· Day care centers:
Serve the elderly who has some physical or mental limitation that interferes with totally independent living and who needs social, nutritional or recreational services.
· Day hospitals:
Providing day health services to a person who can live at the home during the evening.
· Respite care program:
Provides care for the dependent elderly for several days to a week.
· tered housing:
It is an alternative- living arrangement that ter and support services to the elderly who is independent or semi-independent and has some functional impairment or social deprivation but is otherwise healthy.
3- Nursing homes:
Provides along term residential, intermediate or skilled nursing care, medical care , personal and psychological services.
4- Hospice:
Available for the care of terminally ill. A hospice program has a family orientation and is concerned with medical, nursing, spiritual and social care of the terminally ill.

Role of the community health nurse in geriatric care:

1- Health assessment of the client
a- Health history (past, family, sexual, occupational history- present health complaints)
b- Physical examination ( vital signs , height, weight, inspection of feet and nails )
c- Check of all medication
d- Nutritional assessment ( diet history, avoided food, likes and dislikes, adequacy, fluid intake and number of meals)
e- Daily living activities ( self care ability , mobility , housekeeping ability and exercise)
f- Clients ability to relax or reduce stress

2- Examination of the home for environmental hazards, needs of repairs and safety measures
3- Determination of significance family members or neighbors in case of emergency
4- Assessment of client knowledge about available community resources ( transportation, recreational facilities, volunteers , mobile library, home health services and educational facilities)
5- Assessment of client’s lifestyle ( friends , socialization with others)

II-Nursing diagnosis:

The nurse analyze information and describes the client’s problems , recorded on the care plan and sets goals and plans care.

III- Planning care :

It can be short or long term plan according the time available to care with the client and the home setting

IV- Implementation:

1- Daily observation( physical condition, needs ,problems and takes necessary action)
2- Provide rehabilitation procedures ( skin care , bowel and bladder training )
3- Prepare and administer medication
4- Coordinate the care of the client ( personal care, therapy and recreation)
5- Promote accident prevention
6- Educate the client about (Nutrition, self care , foot care , stop smoking , side effect of drugs and exercise )

a- Self care:
Helps the elder person to adapt to the environment , to modify habits ,activities and to learn new things.

b- Exercise:
1- When get up in the morning stand and stretch arms straight up and count to five , repeat several times
2- Breathing exercise three times
3- When bathing ( wash arms from fingertips toward shoulder and legs from feet up to thigh )
4- When doing something that doesn’t require watching move head from side to side , back and forth and around in circle
5- When sitting down to rest , stretch legs and feet straight out in front.
6- While watching T.V stretch arms straight out to the sides and make circle with hands

C- Special body care:
1-Regular eye, ears, teeth, breasts, skin examination .
2-Avoid varicosities by walking every day for 30 minutes , get off socks
before sleeping , avoid tight socks
3- Feet care:
It should be washed , dried and inspected daily, wearing proper fitting
Shoes and lowed heeled rubber soled are best

D- Immunization: ( influenza)

7-Use comprehensive services available for the elderly

V- Evaluation:

The nurse reviews the goals and checks the client progress . the plan is updated with new nursing orders as necessary.


توقيع سلطان حكمي  


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