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هذا الي بموقع الاستاذة ليلى محمد سالم للانجليزي

ملتقى الإنتساب للسنة التحضيرية

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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 12-11-2009, 03:34 AM

فن الأنامل فن الأنامل غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
التخصص: ادارة اعمال
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثالث
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 229
افتراضي هذا الي بموقع الاستاذة ليلى محمد سالم للانجليزي

Choose the correct answer:
1-Karen and Ellen are still having a strong friendship.
a-relationship b-information c-education
2-Visit King Abdulazia website at
a-an office at the university b-coffee shop c- a place on the internet
3-I want to help my community.
a-all the people you know b-all the people living in one place c-people
4-Salem is a volunteer at an elementary school.
a-someone who works for money b-more money c-someone who works for no money
5-The internet is very popular today. Many people use it.
a-liked by many people b-difficult for people to use c-funny
6-My brother tells good jokes. We always laugh when we are together.
a-a sound you make when are very sad b-a sound c-a sound you make when something is funny
7-Take my advice, work hard to succeed.
a-money you get from a job b-work c-an idea or opinion to help someone

8-What is your biggest goal for the future?
a-a problem you have b-something you want c-help
9-A quote is …..
a-someone exact words b-words c-something that is not true
Unit 2
1-My daughter made a beautiful drawing with her colored pencils.
a-a picture made with a pencil or pen b-pencils c-papers
2-Energetic people like to run, dance, and move a lot.
a-good people b-very active c-bad people
3-There is an ad for computers in the magazine.
a-short for advertisement, words,or pictures b-work c-schools
4-Go to a gallery if you want to buy a piece of art.
a-a place you eat b-write c-a place to look at and buy art
5-Sometimes young people draw graffiti on the side of city buildings.
a-pictures and writing on public walls and buildings b-reading c-papers
6-Queen Elizabeth and Nelson Mandela are famous people.
a-someone or something that most people know b-teachers c-doctors
7-The most museum in France is the Louvre.
a-drawing b-writing c-a place to look at (but not buy) art
8-There is a new public library on the main street.
a-for everyone to see or use b-classrooms c-bedrooms
9-Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa “is a very famous painting.
a-a picture made with paint b-work c-students
10-Michelangelo’s “David” is a very famous sculpture.
a-painting b-drawing c-art made with stone, wood, or l
11-Are you OK? What‘s wrong? You look very upset.
a-feeling unhappy, angry, or nervous about something b-strength c-weakness
Unit 3
1-Some television shows are very educational.
a-helping you to learn b-makes you sleepy c-makes you laugh
2-This book is 100 years old, but it still in good condition.
a-pages b-papers c-the form or state of something
3-I need three items from the market: bread, cheese, and a bottle of milk.
a-objects or things b-people c-students
4-Good diamonds are very rare .It is difficult to find big, beautiful ones.
a-not common, not often seen b-cheap c-not nice
5-I will tell you my secret because you are my best friend.
a-an idea or fact that you do not want other people to know b-thinking c-laughing
6-I keep things because they have sentimental value.
a-expensive b-cheap c-having a value in personal feelings or emotions

7-The diamond expert said “This diamond ring is worth $5,000”
a-has a value or a price b-cheap c-funny
8-The woman at the jewelry store knows a lot about diamond. She is a diamond expert.
a-teachers b-doctors c-a person with a lot of knowledge and experience with something
Unit 4
1-All parents want their kids to avoid drugs, gangs, and other trouble.
a-touch b-smell c-to stay away from
2-Huda is a very generous woman.
a-negative b-willing to give money,help,or time c-strong
3-My brother’s nickname is Aboody.His real name is Abdullah.
a-a special name or a short form of your real name b-last name c-first name
4-I was a member of the baseball team in high school.
a-son b-daughter c-a person who is in a group or organization
5-Sometimes teenagers fight with their parents and their brothers and sisters.
a-young people from 13 to 19 years b-from 9 to 11 c-from21 to 29
6-Khloud is a very positive person. She always has something good to say.
a-young b-old c-good, helpful not negative

7-Life in urban areas like Jeddah and Riyadh is different from life in small towns.
a-big city b-far city c-old city
8-Some professional athletes are role models for young people to follow.
a-people who are good examples for other people to follow b-bad people c-failure
9-Amal is in college .Her parents’ support her.
a-ask her b-talk to her c-to give money, food, or help to someone
10-Young people need to respect old people.
a-to honor, to have a high opinion of b-upset with c-play with
11-These days many kids are at risk. Adults need to help these kids stay out of trouble.
a-may have problem in the future b-help c-lazy
Unit 5


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