

العودة   منتديات سكاو > الملتقيات الجامعية > ملتقى السنة التحضيرية > ملتقى التعليم عن بعد للسنة التحضيرية
التسجيل مشاركات اليوم البحث

بليز ضروري باسرع وقت محتاجه خدمتكم الله يسعدكم في حل واجب الانجليزي

ملتقى التعليم عن بعد للسنة التحضيرية

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 24-10-2011, 10:28 PM

سحب ممطرة سحب ممطرة غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2011
التخصص: لغة عربية
نوع الدراسة: تعليم عن بعد
المستوى: الثاني
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 9
افتراضي بليز ضروري باسرع وقت محتاجه خدمتكم الله يسعدكم في حل واجب الانجليزي

Question 1: Reading comprehension
Read the texts . Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? (5 marks)
Two Americans, Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss, made the first jeans in1923. Davis bought cloth from Levi's shop. He told Levi that he had a special way to make strong trousers for workmen. The first jeans were blue. In 1965 jeans became fashionable for women after they saw them in Vogue magazine. In the 1990Õs Calvin Klein earned $12.5 million a week from jeans.

A Scotsman, John Logie Baird, transmitted the first television picture on 25 November, 1905. The first thing on television was a boy who worked in the office next to Baird's workroom in London. In 1929 Baird sent pictures from London to Glasgow. In 1940 he sent pictures to New York, and also produced the first colour TV pictures.

1. Levi Strauss was English. ___
2. Jacob Davis sold cloth in his shop. ___
3. Levis Strauss and Jacob Davis made clothes for strong workmen. ___
4. Women saw jeans in a magazine and liked them. ___
5. Calvin Klein earned $12.5 million in one week. ___
6. John Logie Baird was from Scotland. ___
7. A boy sent the first television picture. ___
8. Baird worked in London. ___
9. Baird sent a television to Glasgow. ___
10. In 1940 Baird moved to New York ___

Question 2 Grammar
A. Put the words in the correct order. (4 marks)

1. Policeman / from/ is / John / a / New York
2. Married / brother / is / your ?
3. Your / what /name / teacher's / is ?
4. Often / weekends / go / I / at / swimming
B. Complete the sentences with the preposition in the box (4marks)

1. Here is a cup of tea………….you.
  • I go ……… ………bus.
  • Can you help me ……… homework.
  • She got up ……….10 o'clock………Friday.

Question 3: vocabulary
Match the correct opposites الكلمة و عكسها (5 marks)
  • old
  • big
  • new
  • lovely
  • easy
  • hot
  • expensive
  • fast
  • start
  • love

1. ____horrible
2. ____old
  • ____ finish
  • ____difficult
  • ____cheap
  • ____ hate
  • ____slow
  • ____ small
  • ____young
  • ____ cold
Question 4. Communication Skills: (7marks)
Match a line in A with a line in B

اكتب الحرف الصحيح من العمود B هنا
1. I’m thirsty

a. I’d like to go to bed.
2. I’m hungry.

b. I’d like to go swimming.
3. I’m tired

c. I’d like to be on a beach in Florida.
4. I’m hot.

d. I’d like to go out with my friends.
5. I’m bored.

e. I’d like to be a millionaire.
6. I don’t have any money.

f. I’d like a cold drink.
7. It’s winter and I’m cold.

g. I’d like a sandwich.

Question 5: Writing (5marks)
1. Write about 100 words about an old friend. The following questions will help you. (see page 47 in your workbook)
  • What is his/her name?
  • When did you meet?
  • Where did you meet?
  • What did you do together?
  • How often do you meet now?
  • What do you do when you meet?
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رد مع اقتباس


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