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منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها) قسم خاص يتم نقل المواضيع المميزة و الملخصات والملفات المهمه الخاصة بقسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

Playboy of the western world LANE 343

منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها)

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-04-2012, 07:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية أبوظبي

أبوظبي أبوظبي غير متواجد حالياً

وحـيـد أبووداد بـدنـيتي

تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
التخصص: لغات اوروبيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: السادس
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 91
افتراضي Playboy of the western world LANE 343

Playboy of the western worldLANE 343
J.m.synge (John Millington)
The play is in Country Mayo in a country Shebeen or pub .Pegeen Mike is engaged to Shawn Keogh ,a rich farmer,but she isnot in love with him.Pegeen's father ,Michael James owns the pub and spends his time going to wakes and getting drunk. One evening ,a young man arrives when Michael James and his two pals ,Jimmy Farrell and Philly Cullen are about to go off to awake .the young man calls himself Christy Mahon and claims that he has killed his da(father) .Every one including pegeen are fascinated and admire Christy for this heoric deed. The men left pegeen with Christy.The widow Quinn ,a local women who is supposed to have murdered her husband arrives and tries to get Christy to stay the night in her hut .Pegeen has taken control of Christy and refuses to let him go .In the morning ,Some local girls arrive to visit Christy and bring him presents.Christy is a hero in the eyes of the villagers and they beg him to participate in their local games.In the meantime ,old Mahon ,Christy's father, arrives and meet the widow Quinn .Old Mahon has suffered a blow on his head from being hit by christy and wishes to punish him. He tells the widow about Christy and describes him as a weak character , a dirty stuttering lout who would get drunk on the smell of a pint. When Christy meets his father he gives him another blow on the head and he looks as if he is dead .The villagers including pegeen ,decide to capture him and bring him to prison .Pegeen disowns him for being aliar .Old Mahon recovers and he and Christy leave the shebeen mocking the villagers who are unable to accept reality .Pegeen lamenting the loss of the "only playboy of the western world"she is left with her loveless alliance to shawn Keogh who is a Fraid of fighting Christy to gain Pegeen .Pegeen is about to marry christy who made himself a hero on the basis of a lie .Pegeen (Margaret) said''Oh my grief ,l've lost him ,surly .l have lost the only playboy of the western warld'' . END PLOT

1) Christo Pher Mahon=Christy
Ayoung man who claims to have murdered his father.At the beginning,he is telling good stories,story of how he killed his father.He tate turns him into a hero to his listeners.Their a dmiration for him improves his self-stream.
2)Margaret Flaherty=Pegeen
A daughter of Michael James Flaherty. She is pretty girl. whose friends call her (pegeen Mike) or simply (pegeen).At the end ,she is tragic figure because christy left her community without marrying her . 3)(Michael Flaherty)
Margare's father and the owner of the pub.He enjoys attending wakes(night-long viewings of corpses before funerals)
Shawn keough))4)
Dull,spineless farmer .He is Michael flaherty's approval to marry Margaret (pegeen) but she dislikes him .
5)(Philly cullin –Jimmy Farrell)
Friends of Micheal Flaherty who always attend the wake with him.
Widow Quinn))6)
She is crafty,opportunistic 30-Year-old who makes a play for christy.According to rumors ,her husband died by her hand.
7)(Sara Tansey.Susan Brady .Honor Blake )
The girls who go to christy and give him Presents after hearing of his murdering talents .
Old Mahon))8)
Christy 'father.He thanks his sick skull which survives Christy's attempts to kill him .
9)(father Reilly)
Local Roman Catholic priest.
10)(Kate Cassidy)
The dead local resident.It is her wake that Flaherty and his friends attend.
(the playboy)
In the early 1900,s in arural tavern Called (public house-pub-or shebeen) Along the Atlantic coast in countny Mayo ,lreland.

Climax in any work is :
1_Turning point at which the couflict begins to resolve itself for better or worse.
2… Final and most exciting event in a series of Everts.
The climax of The playboy of the western world occurs When the Villagers discover that christy's father is a live.
1…soial conventions
Most of the charaters act according to social conventions.Shawn Keogh is the most rigid one of the Community Who refused to step outside the boundaries set by the Catholic church.He will not marry pegeen until he has a permission from the Vatican to do so. He refuses to be alone with her in fear of the church's disapproval. The community considers him a coward.
The play contains arebellion against to social conventions.Pegeen always stands up to hor father although the church forbids it and that she is not afraid to ignore the church's authority.Christy ,when blows his father,he strike the rule against the older generation of the traditions of the past.The community applauds Christy's courage to blow his father.
….Act … ( 1)
The play opens in acountry public house of Michael flahery,father to pegeen,who is preparing for her coming wedding to shawn Keogh ,ayoung farmer -Shawn waits for the priest to allow him to marry pegeen. Pegeen is an angrya bout Shawn and fear of the priest and church and always insists that Shawn must be courage enough and don't care for the church because this is asocial convention .The father's Pegeen and the frmers ,Philly O'cullen and Jimmy farrel all of them talk about shawn's fear of donig any thing to displease the church. Christy Mahon arrives exhausted and frightened ,asking whether the police often comes to the pub.Michael assured him that the police did not come.
They ask him why he is running from the law. Christy hesitated and at last tells then that he killed his father.They encourage him that he is a brave man and Michael let him to help pegean in the pub . Shawn is very angry and not content of what is happening in the pub and the relation between pegeen and Christy. They all confess that pegeen now will be safe at night because the brave Christy is with her at the pub all the time. Christy tells pegeen the details of his father's murder.pegeen quickly left shawn telling him to seek the priest. When pegeen heard the details from Christy, her admiration for him increased. The widow Quinn arrive with full curiousity about the new comer. Pegeen and Quinn.
quarrel about Christy's attention until he solves the problems when he said that he will stay at the pub . Pegeen declares that she will not marry Shawn and Christy went to sleep.
The next morning,four girls from the village, Sara , Susan, Nelly and Honor come to see christy wanting to meet the man who killed his father.They meet him and all offer him presents and admire his brave act. Widow Quin comes again and asks Christy tell them the detail of the murder. Christy is very pleased in telling the story and after that all call him a hero. Pegeen arrives and talks angrly to Christy to work fearing that the police may catch him and also telling him not to say the story for others. Shawn arrives and tells pegeen that her sheep are in the neighbour's garden. pegeen runs out the pub. Shawn tries to convince Christy to accept apassage to America becouse he fears that Christy will inter feres with his plans to marry pegeen. Christy refuses the ticket to America but he accepts the new clothes shawn has brought him .The widow Quin convinced shawn that she will marry Christy and then he will marry pegeen and not fear Christy. Mahon,christy's father comes and tells the widow Quin that Christy hit him but he recovered. Ha said that his son is very coward. The widow tells him that Charisty went to the hills.Mahon goes and Chirsty returns.The widow tells him that she wants to marry him but declares his love to pegeen.
Act (3)
Jimmy and Philly come and call Christy "The playboy of the western world "BECOUSE he plays a sport game skillfully.Mahon arrives and tells his story .Christy convinced Michael that he should marry Pegeen .Mahon defy his son and begins to beat him and the son hit his father after Pegeen calls him"the ugly liar".They arrest him and bind his legs and Pegeen burns them .His father recovers and tells his son to go with him .They depart and shown insists to marry Pegeen now.
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توقيع أبوظبي  

تقبلوا تحياتي

وحـــ بدنيتي يـــد
طبعالوفاء من طبع ابوي اكتسبته * وطيب السماحة من أخوالي خذيته
طبعي كذا ماهو بدور لعبته * الطيب شيد داخل الروح بيته
والكرة من دفتر حياتي شطبته * وحكمة زماني من شراني شريتهِِِِِِ


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بلا موعد ; 14-04-2012 الساعة 10:10 PM. سبب التعديل: نظام المنتدى يمنع وضع الايميلات او ارقام الجولات في المواضيع
رد مع اقتباس


منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-04-2012, 08:10 PM   #2

عاشق النون

ربي أصلح لي نيتي وذريتي

الصورة الرمزية عاشق النون

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2009
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 281
افتراضي رد: Playboy of the western world LANE 343

الله يجزاك الجنه والله قبل شوي متصل على المكتبة للمرة الرابعه اطلب منهم المسرحيه هذي ومايرسلها لي <<

بارك الله فيك

الحين بتصل ع المكتبة واقوله خلها عندگ مابيها هههههه


عاشق النون غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-04-2012, 08:47 PM   #3


لا إله إلا الله

الصورة الرمزية pure-poison

تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2009
كلية: كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
التخصص: English Literature
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: السابع
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 190
افتراضي رد: Playboy of the western world LANE 343

الله يجزاك كل خير يا رب , وفّرت علي جُهد كبير


توقيع pure-poison  


“I have great believe in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking. I consider chaos a gift.” نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة


pure-poison غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 15-04-2012, 06:45 PM   #4

بلا موعد

مشرف مُتألق سابق

الصورة الرمزية بلا موعد

تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
التخصص: لغات اوروبية - انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 1,220
افتراضي رد: Playboy of the western world LANE 343

وفقك الله

تم اضافة الموضوع الى قسم الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة


بلا موعد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 06-05-2012, 10:55 PM   #5

الملاك الأبيض

الصورة الرمزية الملاك الأبيض

تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
كلية: كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
التخصص: انقلش
نوع الدراسة: متخرج - انتساب
المستوى: متخرج
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,693
افتراضي رد: Playboy of the western world LANE 343

يسعدك ربي .. ربي يجزاك الخير ياارب



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الملاك الأبيض غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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