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منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها) قسم خاص يتم نقل المواضيع المميزة و الملخصات والملفات المهمه الخاصة بقسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها

اسئله مهمه لمادة fictionمع عمر باسلامه

منتدى الملخصات والمواضيع المميزة (قسم اللغات الأوروبية و آدابها)

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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-10-2014, 07:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية اسوووومه

اسوووومه اسوووومه غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
التخصص: انجليزي (:
نوع الدراسة: تعليم عن بعد
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 372 (11) اسئله مهمه لمادة fictionمع عمر باسلامه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله طبعا انا الحمد لله خلصت من هالماده مع الدكتور عمر لكن لقيت بجهازي اسئله سابقه له وكنت حالتها وجاء منها بالفاينل فحبيت انزلها هنا يستفيد اللي عنده الماده بالتوفيق لكم نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
-In what way is the novel (in general, as a literary type) linked to originality? Explain?
The novel is linked to originality to emphasis that individual has unique characteristic which makes it different from another. The novel linked to the originality in the way which represented the events and the experience of the individual; also it linked to its characters unique, individual identities that are affected by their background and circumstances as modern subjects.
-How the novel as a literary type always new?
The novel becomes a new because it is faithful in presenting the experience of the individual and this experience is always unique and new. So, it is new because it always represents and portrays all the varieties of human experience, and not specialized to present one kind of subjects such as immoral behavior.
Why is the early form of realism limited? Explain?
The Realism at its early stages was being limited because it was the opposite of ‘idealism’ in the way it provided a representation of the ‘darker’ side of society. In addition; it focused on the topics which related to immorality rather than ‘perfection’. Also, the early form of realism is limited because it does not live in the kind of life it presents, but in the way which it presents it.
What is the difference between the early definition of realism and its later definition? Explain.
The Realism is a way making art and writing literature, it is a way of producing art.
The Realism at the early stages is different from later because Realism in its early stages was known as the opposite of idealism because it represented the dark side of society and it talked about the topics which talked about the immoral but later it came to show the experience of the people or persons and to present these experiences faithfully, regardless of what this portrayal implies or reflects. At the beginning is realism, which belongs to the idea imitating real life, in early virgin only, but in late it is different. The Realism was some kind of a reaction which presented only bad characters and bad examples from society, little by little it will become something more interesting, something that represents more than simply the opposite of the romance. At the beginning it was simply the opposite but later on it became more and more realistic. Although the early form of realism defines several novels of the eighteenth century, it cannot be described as the most important characteristic that makes novels a new, different genre.
How the plot change through the realism?
The plot of the novel through realism changes because according to Watt; the novel was used of non-traditional plots that the novel was invented or based on a contemporary incidents or events, also he said that the plot had to be acted by special person or people by special circumstance not by any generally human people.
In what way is the novel's realism more about form than content? Explain
Or There are important differences in degree to which different literary forms imitate reality; and the formal realism of the novel allows an immediate imitation of the individual experience set in its temporal and spatial environment than do other literary forms.
So what does this mean?
the definition of realism. “attempts to portray all the varieties of human experience"
The novel is the literary form that has been associated with the concept of individualism. The novel's realism is more about form than content in order to the method which the narrator used. So, when the novel does not have any purpose, here it represents the form but only to a set of narrative techniques which are so commonly found together in the novel, and so rarely in other literary genres, that they may be regarded as typical of the form itself. And The novel is realism more about form, because, realism is related to form of the novel in the way, which it presented the style, and it is linked to its form, because of reality in everything in it, even in small details; such as time and place. This is called circumstantial view. Realism does not refer to any special literary purpose, but only to a set of narrative techniques and events, which are so commonly found together in the novel, and so rarely in other literary genres, that they may be regarded as typical of the form itself. So, realism is about the manner in which is reality represented in the novel. This adopted the idea of how the novel should present the human experiences faithfully. Also, it should contain reality in everything in the novel on characters, details, time and space. Also, even in the language should be real language, and it is not Metaphorical.. Also, even in the language should be real language, and it is not Metaphorical. how The realism affect the content of the novel?
at the beginning of the definition of realism. “attempts to portray all the varieties of human experience. the attempt to represent, to portray all the varieties of human experience, what it means, bad people, ordinary people who are neither totally bad nor totally good. So attempts to portray all the varieties of human experience. the Realism affects the content of the novel because Realism is not about the content, but it is about the type of life, which story presented. Also, realism concentrates in the way which story presented, rather than content of story, rather than moral of story, so it focused on the way which presented the events. So the novel is not simply the opposite of romance. the novel really reflects reality, it only tries to reflect human experience in all its variety. Especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, it is an assumption. The realism of the novel is not about the content that the stories of the novel tell us. It is about how these stories are represented in such a way as to reflect life. However, realism assumes that it tries to represent and reflect reality. Regardless of the portrayal is good or bad it does not matter, it tries to be faithful to the experience, or at least this is the assumption. It is as Watt puts it draws the individual experience, the individual experience which is always unique.
In what way is the early form of realism a reaction to the romance's idealism? Explain.
Realism was known that it was differing of ‘idealism’, in the way in which it offered or represented. It represented the ‘darker’ side of society. In other hand; it focused on examples of immorality rather than ‘perfection’, as it was represented by the epic, and the romance. Realism is related to many details which similar to true time and place , also it include circumstantial view , which makes the novel real , or feel like true . This element of the way of how the story is told, it related to the form of the novel which it’s called formal Realism, which makes novel seems real. The way in which is related view of life.
Originality in the novel and previous literary works?
The beginning of the novel coincided with the trend of originality, during the 18th century, originality found its powerful expression, the term original, which the middle ages have meant haven't existed from the first, tend to mean the opposite of imitated, independent, first-hand. By the time of Daniel Defoe, one of the fathers of the English novel . by the time of Defoe and other early novelists, the term could be used as a word of praise meaning novel that is new or fresh in character or style.originality” it means that the novel or any work of literature is new and not imitate , also the term ‘original’ which in the Middle Ages had meant ‘having existed from the first’ came to mean un derived [the opposite of imitated], independent, first hand’”. Again, you can see the idea the link between of novel and this words, you can see new meaning of original, to being special and different. It means what is new, is unique and different, just like realism. Novel highlights everything is new and special, and different and the idea of originality, realized in same things, what is new and special, both in many ways investigated in novel. Originality of originality is which link to new type of originality that is novel.
- What is the link between "originality" and the novel as a new art? Explain.
Originality linked to the novel because both of them represented the original thing as the first thing. Novel has the meaning of unique and it developed a lot from time to time like originality. That's how the idea of originality developed into a positive value with the development of the novel, with the birth of the novel. This is the link. So, the idea of originality as a positive value matched with the early stage of the novel.
What is the importance of individual names in the novel (as a literary genre Explain?
The author used individual names in novel because he presented individualized ethnic and he gave historical names to show off presence, this called names. The names of characters which from historical names, are not individually true names. The character's name in Robinson Crusoe is carefully selected and very strongly linked to a whole unique immediate background of a specific individual. Also, Defoe used unique names and name of somebody who could’ve been real, so he did not use a historical name, not a name that is linked to a very specific type of characters. Also, he provided the novel with a family history that is typical of the age and the social class to which he belongs, all these things to make the novel as real. Defoe wanted to give his characters individual names to make them different from historical names and when he gave his characters proper names, Defoe used individual names to show that this name would be part of an individualized character. The importance of individual names was important because it gives every character a name that is similar to names of contemporary people who live in the same age in which the novel is written. This was something new and different. Also, the novel gives its characters unique, individual identities that are affected by their background and circumstances as modern subjects. It is very important because is the story of real individual, which happen in real life, and not belong to imagination, story which any family‘s story, at any time, that’s way which presented, it gives you presence of real story.
-In what way is the romance a high culture literary genre? Explain.
Romance is defined as a style of heroic prose and verse narrative and which is common in the aristocratic circle of high medieval and early modern Europe. Also, romance is known as a kind of fiction and as one of the origins of the novel and it came from the middle Ages. The romance is a high culture literary genre because it is a style of heroic prose and verse narrative that was popular in the aristocratic circles of high medieval, which means it is specialized for those people of high education and most of its stories were fantastic about the marvelous adventures of a chivalrous, heroic knight, often of super-human ability. So, the romance a high culture literary genre is a high culture literary genre because it associated with a specific class of people and its text also written in the form of verse like poetry. The romance also has the element of fantasy, the element of adventures and the element of chivalric heroic hero.
What is the key characteristic of the early stage of realism? Explain.
At the beginning of realism, it tried to imitate reality but at its early stages, and off curse this imitation was limited to presenting what is bad and that is the opposite of what is ideal, so at the beginning in early stages, the realist novel presented only the opposite of the romance and it was known as being the opposite of ‘idealism’ in the way which it provided a representation of the ‘darker’ side of society. So, realism talks about immorality rather than ‘perfection’ as it was portrayed by the epic and the romance. In early realism the characters are the opposite of perfect or virtuous. Also, in realism the events were real and from real life, not from the fantasy or from the imagination or from super natural human. In the early form of realism was also a reaction to the kind of story we have in the romance. According to Watt, the novel in realism represented not only the life in its kind but in the way which presents it. Individualism From its characteristic was to portray the individual experience faithfully, regardless of what this portrayal implies/reflects. Also, accuracy is a basic characteristic of realism. Honesty and independence are also some basic characteristics. Realism is the representation of the common life, which is a product of the social, economic, philosophical and political changes and which happened in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.
-The difference between Romance and novel
There is really big difference between novel and Romance. According to Watt we should mentioned his definition of the novel, when he represented the characteristic of the novel by telling that the novel, is new and the novel is realism, which means that is opposite to idealism, and the realist art does not like idealism, because the characters in realism do not have supernatural powers and nor neither perfect and very virtuous which means that, they do not make any mistakes. They are ordinary people and they are not from fictional, they are realistic. While in Romance; the characters are always supernatural powers, virtuous and always fictional and they do not represented the real life.
-Similarities between Novel and Romance and Why is the romance considered the origin of the novel? Explain.
There are similarities between Novel and Romance,” the European tradition of the novel as the genre of extended prose fiction is rooted in the tradition of medieval "romances”, because novel its origins in Romance, novel and Romance, both of them are tales based in fictional stories. Romance has specific meaning of word which refers in type of literature; also, its style of writing is in verse and prose, and like that novel. Also, novel is type of literature which came from a type of prose. Romance comes from Aristocratic background of stories which related to type of characters like King Arthur leader, and like that novel , it is based it’s stories from real people or from the stories and experience of real people . The language in Romance is so sophisticated because it is written as a kind of poetry and like that in novel. Also, Romance is based form fantastic stories and similarity, novel is based from fable. In Romance the focuses in heroic and central characters and like that in novel, the hero is very important element in the novel to make the events proceed.
-Does the romance use realism? Explain
The romance does not used realism in fiction events. The romance is a part of literature that was not relying on realism, in general the romantic is identify by a very fictional a special emotional approach... That shows us with unimaginable events presents its characters, or heroes who own unusual powers... But the Realism is characterized human behavior that's representing personas and objects as they act or as seem in life, show us human experience in familiar way... it just try to give us a story which sound nearby to the real world.
However, the Realism is characterized human behavior that is representing personas and objects as they act or as seem in life, show us human experience in familiar way... It just try to give us a story, which sound nearby, to the real world.
-Mention two of the characteristics of the romance giving an example for each?
The most important characteristics of a romance are:
1- Fantastic\fanciful that means imaginary Something different of what’s real or lived, it’s related to the events are not pragmatic or non-realistic, it’s imagination fantastic stories about the adventure heroic novel. For example, One Good Knight by Mercedes LackeyFairytale fantasy. The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce.
2- Supernatural ability\unusual power, that the hero have a great force like superhuman. It’s not realistic story which the hero does things with unnatural ability, the usual people cannot do. For example, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce.
- In what way is individualism linked to novel? Explain giving example.
The individualism linked to novels is mightily to the concept of the individual characters; it is working to highlight the philosophy of individual life in addition its enumerating aspects of individual experiences.
Individualism is a point of view about the life interested with the priorities of the individual needs over group needs, Novelists, and the philosophers, paid a big attention to the particular individual... Moreover, the extent of its importance and its role in highlighting the characteristics of its culture and the society's ideology.
This is the very basic idea of individualism, how the individual is more important, comes before the group a priorities for easy social relationships, and a desire to be comparatively autonomy or self-governing of others' impact.
-the novel gives individual a very unique and special identity… it gives their characters to be so unique، individual identities and how the individual goes through the events of his or her life through time without any specific principles of good and evil across feeling increasingly، how they unique and they are concentrated around around-themselves.
- The novel used the last times, past experience as memories. While showing a realistic events lists the events as they happen arranged and realistic, and presents the individual in time… doesn’t depend on coincidences.
- The novel gives every character a special name to enhance the element individualism in the character, focuses entirely on the individual with special name, and a new behavior highlight their individualism roles in their environment.
-the novel is an try to produce an genuine account of the present experiences of individuals away from coincidences and pursue it very methodically… to be a good and more valuable.
-Finally, the novel is account of individual experiences, must respect the principles of individualism in the novel even if think it’s real!!!
Robison Crusoe's individualism has many examples shows in the novel. It’s the examples about revealed his individualist presented when he saved Friday from the cannibals, he gives him a name without asking him. Also, he taught him the English language or his English language and his religious beliefs/ Christian beliefs. Indeed, the relationship between them was not fair, it is a master and a slave... Other example of the individualist of Crusoe shows in what he did with Xury. He was the boy who helped Crusoe to escape from the buccaneers, and Crusoe said to him that he will take care of him and make a great young man of him .But unfortunately, he sells the boy to a shipmaster who took him to Brazil for a small amount of money.
The key distinguishing characteristic of the novel which is realism is based on truth to individual experience… individual experience is the most important element is the Basic source of the subject matter of the novel, individual experience.
-In what way was realism affected by the historical period during which itappeared? Explain.
Realism represents the common life in the enlightenment period, where religion became less important so realism reflected this in novels and shown the human being more secular and not strongly religious, and care more about this life more than the other life or about angles and devils. Another thing to be mentioned is that period was the period empiricism, science is no longer believe in abstract ideas, in this way realism discussed what we can only tested in real life and sense it with our five sense. Moreover, realism was affected with that period's individual's rights, because of that the novel is always about the individual human experiences. At the end, we also observe that novel's realism reflects too the social changes at that time and the capitalism's domination on that time.
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Robinson Crusoe
-Talk about the individualism in Robinson Crusoe?
Robinson Crusoe is a novel which has the characteristics of individualism because the protagonist in this novel is given an ordinary name which is not directly linked to any specific value but rather to direct unique individual experience. Also, the protagonist is given no time of an aristocratic family name or class, etc. as well as the unique element in the way it starts the creation of an individual identity. So, it is individualism because the protagonist has identity and most of the readers think this novel is real because it based from an experience of real person so, these things make Robinson Crusoe is a same example of individualism.
- How Robinson Crusoe as a novel deals with psychology of its main characters?
Robinson Crusoe (the novel) is an excellent example of how the novel (in general, as a literary type) focuses on the psychology of the individual and especially this novel concentrates on the personality of its character. The novel provides visions into the mind of its main character in a way that we cannot find in previous fiction forms. This novel focuses how the character inside himself how is there good and evil in his heart and how Robinson has degree of safety, according to Robinson that life is changing human, and that what happens in his story. Moreover; when Robinson sow the foot-print on the sand, here Robinson felt happy because he liked to have somebody with him in Island and this demonstrates how Robinson is psychology pushed through foot-print. So, the psychology linked to this novel because the psychology side is described in this novel how the main character fells happy, regret, sad and with guilt in this novel. Also, The novel makes it clear that a very important side of its main character is his psychology. The way Crusoe behaves after being shipwrecked shows his psychological fortitude and ability not o­nly to survive, but also to stay sane, keeping himself busy with discovering the island, collecting all the tools he might need from the ship and starting to think of what he is going to do rather than panic about what has happened or might happen.
-Does crusoe's experience of living on the island develop him as a character? How?
Living lonely at an wasted and isolated island is something really difficult and nobody can endure about this thing but Robinson lived about twenty-eight years and this reveals about how much the hero is brave .He strives to success and dominates all the island, to make it for him and to become like his kingdom by moderating animals and gathering fruit and also haunting. So, Robinson before he travels to this Island he was lazy and ordinary person and he could not able to do anything but after travelling he becomes another person because he learns many works and many skills such as how to make furniture and how to hunt and to cook and many other things, so Robinson does not an ordinary person, he is very creator and skilled person. So, living alone in island was something very good to him because he improved a lot. Also, - Crusoe, as a character, is a contrast to the characters of the romance. He is created as an individual with an interiority, a complex psychology that is affected by what happens to him. The psychological effect of the first major even of his life o­n the island, the print of a naked foot, shows the careful attention the novel pays to the character as an individual.
-How economic changes affects crusoe's time?
This novel is set at a time when capitalism is starting to dominate the economy of the west. Robinson Crusoe comes from a family that illustrates the effects of capitalism. His father emigrates from Germany and gathers his wealth through trade. However, in the case of Robinson Crusoe, the ambition that capitalism creates to get richer is highlighted by the possibilities offered through the new colonies. Robinson Crusoe’s decision shows that the economy of the age provides more opportunities to get rich.Economy was changing, during the 18th century and even before the 18th century we started to witness the very strong, very big change in economy from feudal economy which is based on farming to the capitalist economy which is based on the market and the selling of different types of goods etc
- In which capitalism linked to individualism and that affects the novel?
Robinson Crusoe is a typical example of the way of capitalism tempts the individual to pursue getting rich on his own, as quickly and effectively as possibleRobinson succeed to become a capitalism and individualist because economic as capitalism as similar to capitalism, Robinson dealt with money as individual, and he becomes capitalist, Robinson sells Xoury and he dealt with other Africans and he succeeds to become a capitalism and individualist. So, Robinson exploited people in order to gain money.
-What are the similarities between Xury and Friday ? Explain
Crusoe's thoughts about 'saving' Friday are consistent with his desire to have a slave. The fact that he fools himself into thinking that he is a generous Samaritan is obvious from the way he simply cannot resist the idea of finally having a slave. In Friday, he sees the perfect slave who will eventually save him rather than the victim whom he will save. We see in Crusoe's description of Friday's gratitude his self-centred views of the Other. Friday becomes a new Xury who is even more grateful and loyal to his saviour Crusoe. The relationship between them is strictly defined right from the beginning as a Master/slave relationship.
Both of them were served Robinson Crusoe, Friday served Crusoe with all his best because Crusoe saved him from the cannibals, because they wanted to kill him. In addition; Friday is a living example of religious justification of the slavery relationship between the two men. He loves Robinson very much and he is ready to do whatever Crusoe wants. Xury is a slave boy only When Crusoe escaped with two other slaves in a boat, he forced one to swim to shore but kept Xury on board, showing a certain trust toward the boy. Xury never betrayed that trust. Crusoe sold Xury to the captain without any qualms, as if forgetting their former solidarity and equality in slavery. Xury's sale thus showed us the racist double standards sometimes apparent in Crusoe's behavior. So, Friday and Xury are slaves that helped and served Crusoe.
- Crusoe seems to assume to the Other can o­nly be either a threat (an enemy), or an obedient, happy, devoted slave. The difference between the way he treats 'the Moor' and the way he deals with Xury shows that Crusoe's confidence of his total control over Xury makes him (Crusoe) immediately think of him as a slave
-What is the significance of Daniel de Foe's novel Robinson Crusoe?
The significance of the novel by Daniel Defoe is very obvious that the author wanted to show and to reflect the reality and this novel is an example of basic and best example of realism, realism is most important function of novel, Robinson Crusoe is the best example of realism, it reflects reality highlight the feelings of the characters in every stage in the story. Defoe argues that Robinson Crusoe is the novel which shows that capitalism and individualism are very link together. This novel is very important novel, is important in culture
-Link crusoe attitude toward colonialism and what the similarities?
Robinson Crusoe wanted to colonize everything in the land or the island which he lived on. He exploited Friday and he succeeds in mastering his situation and controlling his environment. Also, the relationship is between Robinson and Friday as a "savage" whom he controls. Crusoe credits his authority to lay claim to the island as coming from God.
- Does Robinson Crusoe's social class affect his decision to go to sea? How?
This novel talks about individualism and this means that the character chooses his life as he wants, Crusoe lived in society that it does not put restrains or restriction on the individualism, the more freedom, and from this point, Robinson Crusoe lived as he wanted and he had freedom so the structure of society in Robinson Crusoe did not combined together. Most important in which social are based in individualism, he is alone is becoming as one, he decides as in all of social sides, economics, new sex and social life.
-What role does the mother play in Crusoe's plan to go to sea? The mother of Robinson Crusoe has a big role in his adventure to see because Robinson depends on her to tell his father about his willing to go to see and she was happy at the beginning but her heart is so kind and for that reason she was sad. So, she told his father about his journey, his father was unhappy to hear that and his father told her that it is better to stay at home because if he travelled, his life will be miserable.
-In Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe, what does 'going to sea' imply?
Robinson Crusoe aims to become a rich man because he came from middle class society and when he decided to travel by the sea, this implies that he desired to look after new opportunities to work and to become rich. Going to see never simply adventure about Robinson Crusoe as adventurer, but it means that the hero wanted to become a rich and he wanted to become a rich quickly. So, Robinson Crusoe looked after money only.
-What is the argument Crusoe’s father uses to convince him not to go to sea?
His father was a trade man and he told his son that he must be content in his fortune and he must not leave his land or his country and he must stay between the people in his country, by saying to him that he must make fortune and succeed in his country not abroad and the real happiness is between his people in his country and the wise men make fortune and become famous in their lands and they travel in order to make adventure only. The real happiness if he stays at home between his father and mother and he told him that he must be agree with all the things which nature and God gave him.
-How does capitalism influence Crusoe's behaviour? Explain.
Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of capital. Based on the principle of profit and loss, the writer shows us this element when personify through Crusoe’s behavior
Defoe makes it acceptable that a man like Robinson, independent, practically minded and energetic, all this helped the qualities that enabled him to build up an economic system or capitalist's trend in order to achieve gains and self-fulfillment through what he has to become richer and hopefully in a short period of time!!
We can show how Crusoe is selfish when he fights, he argues with his father, he tries to advise him to be satisfied with the middle-state in society who he lives, and he must not be greedy.
He goes with his ambition or his aspirations to go to sea to cruise to look for opportunities and to get rich quick in faraway lands. E.g., when Robinson has found money on board of wrecked ship, he comments on its uselessness, but after all, he takes it – and it turns out to be useful to him afterwards!
-How does Robinson Crusoe think of himself in relation to others? Explain.
In his attitude towards the other and the way he looks at 'the savages', we can see in Crusoe the representative of Western colonialism. He makes it no secret that his plan is to dominate two or three of them, to make them work for him, and to limit their ability to harm him in any way. Robinson Crusoe's attitude towards people from other cultures or other races is based on unbelief and fear or exploitation, Represents a social class and another culture, which consider a sense of superiority to others and regard them as masters and others as slaves, or at least consider to them. In addition, he representative of colonialism in the way his thinking is based on his using the technological edge in weapons in order to dominate others.
almost is unable of establishmentany human relationship with other human, he can only exploit them and try to avoid them for him relationship specially with people who represent from other culture, races as we seen, his relationship based on just conflict or exploitation, and uses them as slaves people to servant him, when he make them for servant. He feel good about himself, great, and a good person a generous person.
Crusoe’s relations with Friday are egocentric and selfish, he gives him name, without ask him about his name. Also in language he is taught him his language. Xury became like parrot and that is get reason Robinson Crusoe has what seems to be a warm relationship between Robinson Crusoe and another human being however even though it is like a master slave relationship where Xury doesn't only perform the role of the slave but also the role of the parrot! . He tells Xury that other human being may be even just as dangerous as lions or such horrible animals or even worth.
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Note ( crusoe with other)
- As a slave, Robinson Crusoe makes his escape at the expense of risking another person's life. Even though he keeps reassuring himself that 'the Moor' must have reached the cost safely, Crusoe's main problem with trusting people remains obvious. For Crusoe, trust, especially when it is associated with representatives of 'the Other' is almost always a 'venture', a risk. Xury, the obedient, devoted slave, performs an important psychological function as far as Crusoe is concerned. He seems to be Crusoe's parrot. He repeats, and even anticipates, Crusoe's ideas when it comes to making decisions about survival and taking risks.
- Crusoe has two major ways in which he usually deals with 'the Other': violence through using the gun or enslavement. Crusoe's relationship with the Other is based o­n mistrust: the assumption that the Other is always a threat and thus has to be either killed, or, in the case of the threat not being so big, enslaved and turned into a useful servant. Crusoe's 'utilitarianism' governs even his relationship to other people: the objective of making use of everything and everybody is the golden rule for Crusoe.
Crusoe's behaviour towards the villagers o­n the African shore illustrates his mistrust of the Other in an even more obvious way. The first thing he observes when he has the opportunity to look at them is whether they have guns. o­nce he sees that o­nly o­ne of them has a lance, he immediately decides never to come into any direct contact with them, but rather keep his distance trying to communicate with them using signs. Ironically, even when they offer him food, Crusoe still makes sure they are standing far from the food before he takes it o­n board.
Crusoe's promises to Xury are broken when the Captain offers him quite a good price. Even though Xury is the o­nly character towards whom Crusoe shows any degree of affection, he still accepts to part with him (given the right price) leaving him continue his life as a slave for at least ten more years.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة اسوووومه ; 14-10-2014 الساعة 08:05 PM.
رد مع اقتباس


منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 14-10-2014, 10:10 PM   #2


الصورة الرمزية yama

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012
كلية: كلية الاقتصاد والادارة
التخصص: Administrative Scien
نوع الدراسة: تعليم عن بعد
المستوى: متخرج
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 1,011
افتراضي رد: اسئله مهمه لمادة fictionمع عمر باسلامه

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الله يعطيك العافية
ينقل للقسم المناسب


توقيع yama  



yama غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 18-11-2014, 04:50 AM   #3



تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
التخصص: لغه انجليزيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: السادس
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 192
افتراضي رد: اسئله مهمه لمادة fictionمع عمر باسلامه

الروايه مش مع باسلامه


الرحال2 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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